Bitcoin teeb edusamme mahajäämuse likvideerimisel, kuid välguvõrgu läbilaskevõime ja kanalid langesid ummikute tõttu

Viimasel nädalal, Bitcoini võrk on oma ummikuprobleemide lahendamisel edusamme teinud. mail 7, 2023, kinnitamata tehingute arv saavutas kõigi aegade kõrgeima taseme, üle 500,000 ülekandeid, põhjustades suure mahajäämuse. Kuid, alates tänasest, et…

Läbi 440,000 Ethereum lisati kahe nädalaga vedelatele tuletisinstrumentidele

Vähem kui kahe nädala pärast, koguväärtus lukus (TVL) likviidsetes tuletisinstrumentides on suurenenud 441,110 eeter, umbkaudu väärt $793 miljonit. Kuigi Lido Finance domineerib turul 74.35% TVL-st, konkureerivad vedela panuse protokollid Rocket Pool ja…

Binance toob rivaalitsevatele konkurentidele turule eetripõhise vedela seguga toote WBETH

aprillil tehtud teates 24, Binance, suurima kaubandusmahuga krüptovaluutabörs, avalikustas oma uusima panustamistoote, mähitud majakas eth (MIDA). See Binance'i uus lisand’s panustamislahendused on üles ehitatud Ethereumi võrgule, ridadesse astumas…

Economist and Political Scientist Refute Claims of US Dollar’s Demise Despite Trend of De-Dollarization News

Sellel aastal, there has been a flurry of news reports and opinion editorials discussing an alleged de-dollarization trend amid a wave of disclosures associated with the BRICS bloc. In a recent article, the American political scientist and author Ian Bremmer insisted

ECB Board Member Warns EU’s New Crypto Rules Not Sufficient

A European Central Bank Supervisory Board member has warned that the crypto rules in the EU’s Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA) arve “will not be sufficient on their own.While emphasizing thatMiCA will set out important safeguards to prevent incidents similar

Bitcoini poolitamise lähenemisviisid: Vähem kui 400 Päevi enne, kui preemiatoetuse toetus on pooleks lõigatud

Praeguse statistika järgi, Bitcoini võrk on väiksem kui 56,000 kvartalite kaugusel ja vähem kui 400 päevade kaugusel järgmisest preemia poolitamisest. Pärast järgmist poolitamist, ploki preemiat vähendatakse võrra 50%, ja praegune plokitoetus…

US Government Remains a Top Bitcoin Holder With Seized Stash Valued at $5.6 Miljardit

As of March 25, 2023, USA. government held 205,515 bitcoins worth $5.6 miljardit, which is approximately 1.06% of the circulating supply, according to current statistics. The cache of bitcoins is a result of three forfeitures that began in 2020. Glassnode’s…

Bitcoin Network Preps for Another Difficulty Spike as Hashrate Remains Strong and Miners Profit Amid Price Surge

Following the last two difficulty increases on the Bitcoin network, another rise in difficulty is expected to take place on March 24, 2023. Statistics show that Bitcoins hashrate has remained high despite the last two adjustments, and block times have been

Citizens Trust Bank to Hold $65 Million in USDC Reserves as Circle Expands Bank Partnerships

Reedel, the cryptocurrency firm and stablecoin issuer Circle announced that the financial institution Citizens Trust Bank will hold $65 million in usd coin cash reserves. Circle said the move is part of the company’s plan to allocate shares of the

Peaaegu 3 Billion BUSD Stablecoins Have Been Removed From the Market in 6 Päevad

Six days ago, a few hours before the blockchain infrastructure platform Paxos announced it would no longer mint BUSD stablecoins, $2.86 billion worth of BUSD were redeemed. Praegu, Binance is the most active exchange trading BUSD tokens, and the stablecoin still