Tailandia exime las transferencias criptográficas del IVA hasta el final de 2023

Authorities in Thailand have formally introduced a value-added tax (VAT) exemption for transfers of cryptocurrencies through government-approved exchanges. The tax break, in force until the end of next year, will also apply to digital currency issued by the Bank of Thailand….

La SEC de Nigeria anuncia nuevas reglas que rigen la emisión de activos digitales

The Nigerian securities regulator has announced new rules that govern the issuing of digital assets. The new rules also include registration requirements for platforms that offer digital assets. Initial Assessment Filing The Nigerian Securities and Exchange Commission (SEGUNDO) has announced new

Reino Unido describe planes para apoyar la adopción de criptomonedas, Crear más poderes para incautar y recuperar activos digitales

Delivering the Queens Speech, Prince Charles outlines the British governments plans to support the safe adoption of cryptocurrencies and createpowers to more quickly and easily seize and recover crypto assets.UK Government Plans to Support Crypto Adoption The U.K. government

El presidente de Uzbekistán emite un decreto que regula las criptomonedas, Minería y Comercio

El gobierno de Uzbekistán se ha movido para expandir sus regulaciones criptográficas a través de un decreto firmado por el presidente Shavkat Mirziyoyev.. El documento proporciona definiciones para términos como criptoactivos., intercambio, y minería, y determina el principal organismo regulador de la industria. Agency

Predice el Banco Mundial 3% Crecimiento del precio del oro, Experto dice que $ 3K por onza 'es más probable que no'

The World Bank has said it expects the price of gold to rise by 3% en 2022 but warned the price might fall sharply if the Russian central bank decides to offload large quantities of the commodity. The Russian Factor After

Bank of Spain Report Warns About Cryptocurrency Usage and Its Effect on Financial Stability

The Bank of Spain has issued a new report that touches on the subject of the popularity of cryptocurrency usage and the possible effects it might have on the financial stability of the nation. In the document, the bank explains that

EE. UU. acusa a los conspiradores de Ethereum Dev que presuntamente ayudaron a Corea del Norte a evadir sanciones usando criptomonedas

Dos ciudadanos europeos han sido acusados ​​de conspirar con el desarrollador de Ethereum Virgil Griffith para ayudar a Corea del Norte a evadir EE. UU.. sanciones usando criptomonedas, el Departamento de Justicia (DOJ) Anunciado. ellos conspiraron “to teach and advise members of the North Korean government on

Reporte: Universidad sudafricana emitirá certificados basados ​​en blockchain para estudiantes que se gradúan

Una universidad sudafricana ha dicho que a partir de este año emitirá certificados basados ​​en blockchain a los estudiantes que se gradúen de la institución de aprendizaje.. Los administradores de la universidad argumentaron que un sistema de certificación basado en blockchain ayudará a prevenir el fraude y terminará con la producción de documentos falsos.. QR

Belarus Adopts Legal Procedure for Seizure of Illicit Cryptocurrency

Implementing a recently signed presidential decree, the government of Belarus has introduced a procedure allowing the state to seize digital currency holdings. The move will grant law enforcement authorities in Minsk powers to seize crypto assets linked to illegal activities. Justice

Republic of Ireland to Prohibit Political Cryptocurrency Donations

The government of Ireland is preparing to ban political parties from accepting campaign donations in cryptocurrency. The move aims to block the perceived threat of Russian interference in the European nations elections against the backdrop of a clash between the West