Los ucranianos ofrecieron nuevos servicios criptográficos, Tarjetas Bitcoin

Along with the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, Ukrainians are enjoying an expanding range of related services and products. Besides new options to buy and trade coins, crypto users in the country will be offered two cards that will allow them to

Annual Volume of Crypto Transactions Made by Russians Reaches $5 mil millones, Bank of Russia Finds

With the growing capitalization of the crypto economy, Russians have been making crypto transactions worth billions of dollars a year, data gathered by the Central Bank of Russia shows. Russian residents are some of the most active participants in the crypto

El Comité de Transformación Digital recomienda la adopción de la criptoley ucraniana enmendada

The lawOn Virtual Assets,” Ucrania’s attempt to regulate its growing crypto space, has been revised again and recommended for final adoption. A key parliamentary committee has given its support for the bill which was vetoed by the Ukrainian president this

Eslovenia lanza consultas públicas sobre la ley de criptoimpuestos

Authorities in Slovenia have prepared new legislation tailored to determine how crypto holdings and transactions are taxed in the country. The proposal, aimed at clarifying the matter, has been submitted for public consultations this week, local media reports revealed. Slovenia to