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Floridas guvernør Ron DeSantis siger, at staten 'finder ud af måder' til at tillade virksomheder at betale skat i Bitcoin

Kosmos, Kosmos’Kosmos. During the signing ceremony for a bill focused on financial

Qatars centralbank studerer digitale banker og CBDC'er

Qatar Central Bank is presently examining the possibility of issuing a digital currency as well as digital bank licensing, an official has said. The official adds this study will help the central bank get an understanding of what its area of

Israels Bank: Vedtagelse af CBDC vil ikke påvirke banksystemet væsentligt

Israel’s centralbank siger offentligheden’s vedtagelse af den digitale shekel forventes ikke “at påvirke banksystemet væsentligt.” Banken, imidlertid, warns that any issuance of such digital currency will likely result in a decline of the volume of

Præsident for Central Bank of Peru kritiserer Crypto, Med henvisning til mangel på indre værdi og klimaændringer

Julio Velarde, the president of the Central Bank of Peru, attacked the value of cryptocurrencies and referred to negative effects they are said to have on the environment. In a recent interview with local media, Velarde said the Bank did not

Bank of Russia rapporterer første vellykkede digitale rubeloverførsler mellem brugere

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, virksomheder,…

Europa-Kommissionen lancerer digitale eurokonsultationer i marts, Foreslå lovforslag tidligt næste år

The executive arm of the EU is gearing up to start public consultations on the digital euro project next month. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European

Schweiz' største bank UBS forventer, at amerikansk kryptolovgivning tager tid

Schweiz’s largest bank, UBS, expects the United States Congress to take a long time to pass cryptocurrency legislation despite mounting interest in crypto investments and regulators calling for Congress to weigh in on crypto legislation. Congress Could Take a Long Time

Kenyanske centralbankdokument diskuterer fordele og risici fra CBDC - offentligt bedt om at kommentere

Kenyas central bank has acknowledged in a recently released document that a central bank digital currency could potentially benefit the countrys financial system. Banken, imidlertid, warned that rolling out a CBDC could also pose risks to the same. CBDC’s Impact

Indiens premierminister Modi: Digital Rupee vil styrke den digitale økonomi, Revolutioner Fintech

Indien’s premierminister, Narendra Modi, siger en indisk centralbanks digital valuta vil styrke den digitale økonomi. Den digitale rupee vil også revolutionere fintech-sektoren ved at skabe nye muligheder og mindske håndteringsbyrden, trykning, and the logistics of