Hashkey kapitalhæver $500 Millioner til sin tredje fond, På trods af nedgang i kryptomarkedet

World Cup Crypto.com, global asset manager Hashkey, which focuses on crypto and blockchain investments, announced that it has closed its third fund at $500 million. The company’sHashKey Fintech Investment IIIis dedicated to developing crypto solutions, Kosmos, and Web3 concepts….

Priserne i dollars steg næsten 54% i Venezuela Under 2022

Prices in Venezuela have been rising steadily even when denominated in foreign currency. According to data collected by Ecoanalitica, a market research firm, prices marked in dollars have grown close to 54% during 2022, affecting the income and savings of Venezuelans

Seneste meningsmåling viser, at borgere i El Salvador stadig ikke er solgt på Bitcoin

A recent poll completed by the Public Opinion University Institute, part of the Simeon Canas Centroamerican University, has found that El Salvador is still not attracted by the idea of bitcoin as legal tender. The poll results indicate that almost two-thirds

Rapport: Financial Services Giant Old Mutual udnævnt til leder af South African Stablecoin Projects kontantreserver

One of South Africas largest financial services groups, Old Mutual, has reportedly been appointed manager of the ZARP stablecoin projects cash reserves. Founders of the stablecoin are hopeful that the appointment of one of the countrys oldest financial services companies will

IMF-bailout-godkendelse hjælper zambisk kwacha med at tage den russiske rubels position som verdens bedst præsterende valuta

Efter at Den Internationale Pengefond afslørede, at den havde godkendt en redningspakke til Zambia, det sydafrikanske land’s valuta, kwachaen, samlet af 3.1%. Efter denne gevinst, kwachaen tog den russiske rubel’s position som verden’s best-performing currency in 2022….

Rapport: Den Centralafrikanske Republik anmoder om den regionale centralbanks bistand til at udarbejde kryptoregler

En ny rapport har hævdet Den Centralafrikanske Republik, som blev det første land i Afrika til at gøre bitcoin lovligt betalingsmiddel, for nylig anmodet den regionale centralbank’s bistand til at udvikle en lovgivningsramme for kryptovaluta. The report also said the CAR had

Nigerianske långivere frustrerer CBDC's vedtagelse - centralbankchef

Apathetic Nigerian lenders are frustrating the e-nairas adoption because they are worried this could deprive them of a key revenue source, Godwin Emefiele, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) governor, har sagt. Emefiele said the central bank is working on a

Den sydafrikanske centralbank anser nu kryptovaluta for at være et finansielt aktiv

The deputy governor of the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) recently said the institution has changed its position on cryptocurrency, and now regards it to be a financial asset which must be regulated as such. The SARB expects to have a

Crypto Exchange Coincoinx til at lancere Crypto to Fiat Payments App i Venezuela

Coincoinx, a cryptocurrency exchange, will reportedly launch a service that will allow users to skip trading crypto for fiat to make payments in Venezuela. Servicen, which is called Coinpago, will allow users to make payments in every store and retailer

CBDC sikrer, at Nigeria forbliver konkurrencedygtig i en stadig mere digital verden - centralbankchef

The governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has insisted the recently introduced e-naira digital currency can potentially boost trade and investment activities in the country. He added the digital currencywould be necessary in the future to ensure Nigeria