Den Europæiske Union lancerer Global Metaverse Regulation Initiative i 2023

The European Union (jeg) will present an initiative to address the metaverse and all the activities and interactions happening in it sometime in 2023. The proposal, which was qualified askeyin the State of the Union letter of intent authored

Ukraine presser på for medlemskab i europæisk blockchain-partnerskab

Activists and lawmakers in Kyiv are urging the EU to accept Ukraine as a member of the European Blockchain Partnership. They believe the recently adopted lawOn Virtual Assetsopens the way for the country to become a blockchain leader on

Proof-of-Work-forbud fjernet fra Europas foreslåede kryptoforordning

A text threatening to prohibit cryptocurrencies relying on energy-intensive proof-of-work mining has been deleted from the draft legislation aimed at regulating the European crypto space. The move comes after the controversial provision sparked objections from the crypto community. MiCA Proposal Drops

Europa-Kommissionen lancerer digitale eurokonsultationer i marts, Foreslå lovforslag tidligt næste år

The executive arm of the EU is gearing up to start public consultations on the digital euro project next month. The European Commission will also prepare new legislation to establish the legal basis for the digital version of the common European

Europe's Securities Watchdog søger feedback om reguleringer forud for DLT Pilot

ESMA, den europæiske værdipapir- og markedstilsynsmyndighed, har sat sig for at fastslå, om EU-myndighederne har behov for at ændre eksisterende regler for at lette handel og afvikling af tokeniserede værdipapirer. The regulator is now seeking opinions on the matter ahead