Russiske virksomheder 'aktivt' ved hjælp af krypto, Rusland skal adoptere 4 Relevante love, Officielle siger

Russiske lovgivere har til hensigt snart at godkende fire lovforslag designet til at regulere forskellige aspekter af kryptovaluta, meddelte et højtstående medlem af det russiske parlament. I mellemtiden, Russiske virksomheder bruger allerede digitale aktiver i grænseoverskridende bosættelser, bemærkede embedsmanden. Russian Legislature to Vote

Skattefordele for Bitcoin-virksomheder i Hviderusland forlænget til 2025

Tax exemptions for companies and individuals legally working with cryptocurrencies in Belarus will remain in place until Jan. 1, 2025. A new presidential decree extends the tax cuts introduced in 2018 when the executive power in Minsk legalized crypto activities such

Russisk kryptoindustri forespørger regeringen om foreslået strafferetligt ansvar for minearbejdere

The organization representing Russia’s crypto sector has asked the government in Moscow to clarify a proposal to introduce criminal liability for “gray” miners. The draft legislation seeks to punish those who fail to report their income to the state and share

Brasilianere vil være i stand til at betale skat med krypto

Brazilians will now be able to pay part of their state taxes using cryptocurrencies. Banco do Brazil, a mixed ownership bank, is launching the option of paying a set of taxes with crypto, using Bitfy, a Brazilian cryptocurrency startup, as a

Rumænien udfører razziaer som en del af krypto-skatteunddragelse

Authorities in Romania have conducted more than a dozen raids against people suspected of hiding income from cryptocurrency operations. The searches took place in late 2022 following an earlier investigation which established that crypto traders had failed to report digital assets

Det italienske parlament godkender 26% Skat for kryptovalutagevinster ind 2023 Budgetlov

The Italian Parliament has introduced a 26% capital tax on cryptocurrency gains as part of the 2023 budget law, which was approved on Dec. 29. The document also offers incentives for taxpayers to declare their cryptocurrency holdings, proposing a 3.5% aliquot

Den amerikanske regering forsinker regler for indberetning af skat for kryptovalutamæglere

Håndhævelsen af ​​et krav om, at mæglere skal rapportere gevinster opnået af kryptoinvestorer, er blevet udskudt af U.S.A.. Treasury Department og IRS. De nye skatteregler, indarbejdet i $1 billioner infrastrukturlov vedtaget af U.S.A. Kongres…

IRS bygger 'Hundreder' af kryptosager - officielt siger $7 Milliarder i krypto beslaglagt 2022

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is buildinghundredsof crypto cases to crack down on tax evasion, an official reportedly said. In the fiscal year 2022, the IRS Criminal Investigation Division seized about $7 billion in cryptocurrency, which was double the

DC Attorney General sagsøger milliardæren Michael Saylor og Microstrategy for påstået skattesvig – søger $100 Million

Statsadvokaten i District of Columbia har sagsøgt Microstrategy’s medstifter og administrerende formand, Michael Saylor, for skattesvig. Retssagen nævner også Microstrategy som en sagsøgt “påstand om, at det konspirerede for at hjælpe ham med at unddrage sig skat, han lovligt skylder.” Both

Den argentinske provins Mendoza begynder at acceptere skattebetalinger i Crypto

Mendoza, en argentinsk provins, har implementeret et system, der gør det muligt for skatteyderne at betale deres skat fuldt ud med kryptovalutaer. Systemet, som blev lanceret i denne uge, is part of a strategic push for the modernization and digitalization of payments carried by the