UK afslører omfattende plan for at blive global kryptohub med dynamisk regulering

The U.K. government has unveiled a detailed plan to make the country a global crypto hub anda hospitable place for crypto.The plan includes establishing a dynamic regulatory framework for crypto, regulating stablecoins, and working with the Royal Mint to

Den canadiske musiker Grimes afslører 'Intergalactic Children's Metaverse Book' på Avalanche Summit

The Italian luxury brand Michele Franzese Moda has announced the firm is accepting crypto assets for payments. The company revealed the decision via Michele Franzese Modas online magazine in an article calledIts Time for Crypto.Italian luxury Brand Michele Franzese

Animoca mærker, Yuga Labs driller Bored Ape Secret Project 'Powered by Apecoin'

Siden tokenet blev lanceret for omkring tre dage siden, den digitale valuta apecoin (ABE) har været en aktuel samtale inden for cryptocurrency-fællesskabet på fora og sociale medier. Indtil nu, lige over 82% af den krævede APE er blevet gjort krav på og…

Bored Ape Yacht Club donerer $1 Millioner i Ethereum til Ukraine efter Fællesskabets indsats

marts 8, the team behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) donated $1 million in ethereum to the Ukraine governments ether wallet. The BAYC team donated the funds in order to match BAYC community members that raised nearly $1 million…

UAE Ejendomsudvikler DAMAC lancerer Metaverse Project i marts, siger administrerende direktør

One of the United Arab Emirates (UAE)’s leading real estate property developers, DAMAC Properties, is planning to launch a project in the metaverse soon, virksomheden’s managing director (MD) har sagt. DAMAC Looking Into NFTs and Metaverse According to Ali Sajwani,…

Kryptodonationer strømmer ind, efter at Ukraines regering har bedt om Bitcoin og Ether — $17 Million indsamlet indtil videre

Ukraine har rejst mere end $17 millioner i cryptocurrency-donationer siden Rusland begyndte sin invasion. Over $10 millioner blev doneret direkte til de krypto-punge, som den ukrainske regering har udsendt omkring 24 timer efter, at regeringen anmodede om donationer i bitcoin, æter,…

Indholdsabonnementstjeneste Onlyfans tilføjer Ethereum-baseret NFT-profilfunktion

The internet content subscription service Onlyfans has announced the launch of a feature that leverages non-fungible token (NFT) teknologi. The newly-added feature, introduced on Thursday, gives Onlyfans members the ability to display authenticated NFTs as their profile pictures. Onlyfans Steps Into

Openseas NFT-salgsmængde krydser alle tider $20 Milliard

Data indicates the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Opensea has crossed $20 milliard i alle tiders salg. The leading NFT marketplace has seen more than 1.2 million traders leverage the platform since the markets inception in 2017. 1.2 Million Opensea Traders and $20

KPMG i Canada foretager første direkte kryptoinvestering — tilføjer Bitcoin, Ether til Corporate Treasury

KPMG in Canada has added bitcoin and ether to its corporate treasury in what the company called afirst-of-its-kind investment.KPMG said: “This investment reflects our belief that institutional adoption of crypto assets and blockchain technology will continue to grow and