Pakistanske banker bruger Blockchain-teknologi til KYC

Banks in Pakistan plan to launch an electronic platform for know-your-customer procedures that will be operating on a national level. The blockchain-based system will allow them to exchange the personal information of customers through what they describe as a decentralized and

Kryptokasinoer er 'umulige at rigge, fordi spillet er hostet på en blockchain' - Onlinekasinoanmelder

Ifølge en igaming-ekspert, Keane Ecclestone, Kryptokasinoer er i stigende grad populære blandt spillere, der værdsætter deres privatliv og sikkerhed. Mens nogle opfatter kryptokasinoer som mere risikable end traditionelle online gambling platforme, Ecclestone believes bettors can play safely by choosing

Animoca mærker, Yuga Labs driller Bored Ape Secret Project 'Powered by Apecoin'

Siden tokenet blev lanceret for omkring tre dage siden, den digitale valuta apecoin (ABE) har været en aktuel samtale inden for cryptocurrency-fællesskabet på fora og sociale medier. Indtil nu, lige over 82% af den krævede APE er blevet gjort krav på og…

Binance lancerer Bitfinity, et betalingsfirma, der målretter mod Web3-økonomien

Førende cryptocurrency-børs Binance har annonceret lanceringen af ​​sit eget betalingsbehandlingsfirma, Bitfinity. Bitfinity vil fungere som standard fiat-til-krypto-betalingsrampe for udvekslingen, såvel som for andre blockchains. Med denne lancering, Binance also targets the expanding

Central Bank of Argentina udarbejder nye regler for digitale tegnebøger

The Central Bank of Argentina is reportedly working on a new group of regulations seeking to control the totality of the digital wallets in the country. This new legal framework is directed at stopping fraud said to be facilitated by these

Den britiske sikkerhedstænketanks rapport advarer om, at NFT'er kan styrke ordninger for hvidvaskning af penge

The Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the British defense and security think tank, questions whether or not non-fungible token (NFT) assets can be used for money laundering purposes. The report determines that in order to mitigate the money laundering risks a

Kongrespas $1.2 Billion Billion Infrastructure Bill — Crypto Advocates kritiserer ændret mæglerdefinition, Skattekode 6050I

Congress has passed the Biden administrations bill aimed at improving infrastructure, fighting climate change, and bolstering social services. Det $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill, which also expands the definition of a broker, awaits U.S. president Joe Bidens signature after passing with a