Gamestop lancerer Web3 Ethereum Wallet, der udnytter Looprings ZK-Rollup Tech

Denne uge, forhandleren af ​​forbrugerelektronik og spilsoftware, Gamestop, har officielt afsløret virksomheden’s selvforsorg, Web3 ethereum tegnebog. Pungen er i øjeblikket i beta-form og nu tilgængelig via firmaet’s webportal, in order to provide users with a

Lovforslag om NFT'er indsendt til det russiske parlament

Lawmakers have filed a bill with the State Duma aimed at introducing the term NFTs to Russian legislation. The authors of the draft say the rights of those who own non-fungible tokens need to be protected as Russians are currently dealing

Robinhood lancerer ny ikke-forvarende Web3 Crypto Wallet

Handelsplatform Robinhood lancerer en ikke-depot, web3 cryptocurrency tegnebog. “Kunder vil være i stand til at holde nøglerne til deres egen krypto,” sagde virksomheden. Robinhood-bygning uden frihedsberøvelse, Web3 Wallet Populær handelsplatform Robinhood meddelte tirsdag, at det er “building a

Tezos Foundation lancerer en fond til at indsamle NFT-kreationer af afrikanske og asiatiske kunstnere

Tezos Foundation sagde for nylig, at den har forpligtet sig $1.23 millioner til en fond, der skal bruges til at indsamle ikke-fungible tokens (NFT'er) skabt af afrikanske og asiatiske kunstnere. Fotograf Misan Harriman er blevet valgt som kurator for fonden’s permanent

Den ukrainske fodboldklub Shakhtar vil rejse humanitære midler gennem NFT-salg

Shakhtar Donetsk, a leading soccer team in Ukraine, will sell a collection of non-fungible tokens (NFT'er). The club intends to auction several signed jerseys to raise funds for Ukrainian citizens affected by the ongoing war with Russia. FC Shakhtar Donetsk to

Cyborgs med passiv indkomst: Battle Borgz lanceres offentligt på KICK․IO

PRESSEMEDDELELSE. NFTs are not a temporary trend. NFTs are here to stay. Although analysts are still in the process of realizing the full potential that the technology behind ‘Ikke-svampbare tokens’ offers, much is already clear. Beyond being used to certify

Den største NFT-mynte i historien - Bored Ape's Otherside Virtual Land Sale hæver $320 Million

On Saturday, the creators of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC), Yuga Labs, revealed the Otherside metaverse virtual land sale which turned out to be one of the largest non-fungible token (NFT) mints to date. The Otherside metaverse virtual land sale raised

Samling af sydafrikanske fine vine, der sælges som NFT'er

Collections of South Africas fine wines were recently sold as non-fungible tokens (NFT'er) with one lot being sold for $79,000. Immediately following the auction, two lots were reportedly paid for using bitcoin. Lots Exceed Estimates Collections of fine wines made by

Jack Dorsey hævder, hvis 'Du bygger på Ethereum, du har mindst ét, hvis ikke mange, Single Points of Failure'

The internet entrepreneur and former CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, claims if developers are building on Ethereum they haveat least one, if not many, single points of failure.The statement was in response to Vitalik Buterins commentary concerning Elon Musk

FBI udsender alarm vedrørende ondsindede statssponsorerede nordkoreanske hackere, der retter sig mod kryptofirmaer

Den april 18, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), USA. Finansministeriet, og Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) udgivet en Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) rapport om ondsindet nordkoreansk statssponsoreret cryptocurrency-aktivitet. Ifølge U.S. regering, retshåndhævelse…