Crypto Lending Company Blockfi skærer personale af 20%

På mandag, the cryptocurrency lending company Blockfi announced thatmarket conditionshave had anegative impacton the firms business and it will be laying offroughly 20%of its staff. The message written by Blockfi co-founders Zac Prince and Flori

Stablecoin-markedet nærmer sig 15% af hele kryptoøkonomiens markedsværdiansættelse

April for cirka to måneder siden 11, stablecoin-økonomien blev vurderet til $190 milliard og var tættere på at overgå $200 milliarder i værdi. Imidlertid, efter Terra stablecoin-nedfaldet, den fiat-pegede token-økonomi tabte $16.31 billion in value since

Crypto Fear and Greed Index viser 'Ekstrem frygt' og Shaky Sentiment fortsætter

For a few weeks now, bitcoin sentiment stemming from the Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI) has been in the “ekstrem frygt” rækkevidde. While bitcoin gathered some gains on Monday, the CFGI is still in the “ekstrem frygt” position with a

Mens aktierne stiger, Analytikere diskuterer Bitcoins afkobling, Guldmarkederne forbliver "under pres"

OS. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on

Når BTC glider mod modstand, chancen for en sjælden tredobbelt topformation kommer i spil

Kryptovaluta-økonomien har tabt en masse værdi i løbet af de sidste seks måneder 48.70% fra $3.08 billioner til i dag’s centralbank har aktivt testet sin digitale valuta $1.58 billioner. Mens kryptomarkederne ser ekstremt bearish ud i disse dage, nogle få krypto-fortalere har teoretiseret, at bjørnemarkedet vil…

12 Virksomheder holder tæt på $700 Millioner i Ethereum i statsobligationer

During the last year, der’s been a lot of discussion concerning bitcoin treasuries or public firms putting bitcoin on their balance sheets. Imidlertid, the leading crypto asset by market valuation is not the only digital currency being held by treasuries. Ethereum…

MMA Entertainment Giant UFC til at betale Fighters Bitcoin-bonusser

Den april 7, the digital currency exchange announced that fighters from the mixed martial arts (MMA) promotion company, Ultimate Fighting Championship (Carl Icahn krypto), will be able to win Fight Night bonuses that will be paid in bitcoin. Fight Night bonus payouts

Et dybtgående kig på Satoshi Island - Et krypto-centreret boligsamfund i Vanuatu, hvor jordtitler er NFT'er

Ifølge rapporter, der’s a 32 million square-foot island located in Vanuatu thats in the midst of being constructed into a crypto-centric residential community by the islands owners: Satoshi Island Holdings Limited. Indtil nu, mere end 50,000 individuals have applied to

Den canadiske musiker Grimes afslører 'Intergalactic Children's Metaverse Book' på Avalanche Summit

The Italian luxury brand Michele Franzese Moda has announced the firm is accepting crypto assets for payments. The company revealed the decision via Michele Franzese Modas online magazine in an article calledIts Time for Crypto.Italian luxury Brand Michele Franzese

Den canadiske musiker Grimes afslører 'Intergalactic Children's Metaverse Book' på Avalanche Summit

På torsdag, holdet bag udlånsprotokollen Anchor meddelte, at et forslag er vedtaget, og det decentraliserede pengemarked vil “implementere en mere bæredygtig semi-dynamisk indtjeningsrate.” Efter annonceringen, værdien af ​​protokollen’s native token ANC skred nogenlunde…