Med Tæt på 10 Milliard Stablecoins indløst, BUSDs udbud falder til det laveste niveau siden april 2021

Statistics recorded on April 15, 2023, show that the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD dropped below the 7 billion range to 6.68 milliard, marking the lowest number of BUSD in circulation since April 2021. desuden, data indicates

Apples godkendelsesproces forsinker Uniswaps mobilapplancering; Firmaet lancerer begrænset prøveversion

marts 3, 2023, Uniswap Labs, the firm behind the decentralized exchange Uniswap, announced the launch of a limited early-release application through Apple’s Testflight program. The company stated that the limited release was due to Apple not granting approval for the

Binance øger USDC-beholdningen, efterhånden som BUSDs markedsværdi falder

Eight days ago, Paxos announced that the company would no longer mint the stablecoin BUSD. Siden da, the coins market capitalization has been sliding lower as redemptions have become more prominent. I mellemtiden, a data researcher from Nansen has discovered that Binance,…

Næsten 3 Milliarder BUSD Stablecoins er blevet fjernet fra markedet i 6 Dage

Six days ago, a few hours before the blockchain infrastructure platform Paxos announced it would no longer mint BUSD stablecoins, $2.86 billion worth of BUSD were redeemed. I øjeblikket, Binance is the most active exchange trading BUSD tokens, and the stablecoin still

Stablecoin-markedet ser en stigning i udbuddet af Tether, da konkurrenterne falder i lyset af den seneste lovgivningsmæssige udvikling

While the stablecoin market has seen significant redemptions in the past three months, the supply of tether, the largest stablecoin by market capitalization, has increased by 2.46 billion since mid-November 2022. Tether is the only one of the top five stablecoins

Et dusin digitale aktiver registrerer tocifrede gevinster, da kryptomarkeder begynder at hele efter FTX's kollaps

At the time of writing the global cryptocurrency market capitalization is hovering around $842 billion on Sunday, Nov. 27, 2022. Bitcoin prices consolidated since the start of the week, as seven-day stats indicate the price of bitcoin has dropped by 0.02%

Rapport: Huobi starter fyringer, der kan 'overstige 30%' - grundlægger kan sælge aktiepost i virksomheden

Ifølge den kinesiske journalist Colin Wu, ellers kendt som “Wu Blockchain,” kryptovalutavirksomheden Huobi kan fyre 30% af firmaet’s personale pga “et kraftigt fald i omsætningen.” desuden, reporteren hævder, at Huobi’s co-founder Leon Li is

Stablecoin-markedet nærmer sig 15% af hele kryptoøkonomiens markedsværdiansættelse

April for cirka to måneder siden 11, stablecoin-økonomien blev vurderet til $190 milliard og var tættere på at overgå $200 milliarder i værdi. Imidlertid, efter Terra stablecoin-nedfaldet, den fiat-pegede token-økonomi tabte $16.31 billion in value since

Cardano-prisstigninger efter Metaverse-projektlancering, ADA vinder mere end 30% i 7 Dage

The smart contract token cardano has surged in value during the last 24 hours after a metaverse project called Pavia launched. Seven-day statistics indicate that cardanos price has spiked 30.9% over the week and took over the fifth-largest crypto market cap

Bitcoin falder under $44K, Kryptoøkonomi falder 4.5%, Traders skynder sig til Stablecoins

Prisen på bitcoin faldt onsdag til under $44K-zonen $43,678 enhed, da hele kryptoøkonomien har kastet milliarder i værdi. I skrivende stund, den samlede kryptoøkonomi er nede 4.5% da det faldt til $2,25…