Brazilian Exchange Bitpreco skal udvides til banktjenester; Væddemål på Cashback for at modvirke kryptofrygt

Bitpreco, a Brazilian cryptocurrency exchange, has decided to extend its functionality to offer banking services through a new platform called Bitybank. Virksomheden, which will also open payment and digital account services, plans to attract users to crypto through cashback programs

Krypto-frygt og grådighed-indeks viser, at markedsstemningen forbliver bange

Efter Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI) faldet til betydelige lavpunkter og pegede på “ekstrem frygt” på kryptomarkederne i slutningen af ​​maj, og i det meste af juni, i dag er CFGI-ratingen stadig i “frygt” zone, men…

Crypto Fear and Greed Index viser 'Ekstrem frygt' og Shaky Sentiment fortsætter

For a few weeks now, bitcoin sentiment stemming from the Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI) has been in the “ekstrem frygt” rækkevidde. While bitcoin gathered some gains on Monday, the CFGI is still in the “ekstrem frygt” position with a