Bitcoin Hashrate når 400 Exahash per sekund, Forsker siger, at netværket kunne nå Zettahash-æraen ved 2025

Despite Bitcoins difficulty reaching an all-time high at 46.84 billioner, participants in bitcoin mining have kept the hashrate running stronger than ever before. Ifølge statistikker, marts 23, 2023, the hashrate reached a high of 400 eksahash i sekundet (EH/s)….

Usikkerhed omgiver Federal Reserves fremtidige planer for renteforhøjelser

USA. Federal Reserve has raised the benchmark bank rate seven times during the course of 2022, leading many to question when the central bank will cease or change course. The Fed has stated that it aims to bring inflation down

Videnskabelige kerneaktier nedgraderet efter SEC-indgivelse af tip om mulig konkurs

One of the largest publicly listed bitcoin miners, Kernevidenskabelig, has shaken investors with a recent filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission that raises the possibility the company may apply for bankruptcy protection. The filing notes that Core Scientific

Inflationen i USA forbliver brændende varm, Springer til 9.1% i juni - Det Hvide Hus siger, at CPI-data allerede er 'forældede'

According to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI) rapport, OS. inflation remains scorching hot as it has risen at the fastest yearly rate since 1981. juni’s CPI data reflected a 9.1% year-over-year increase, even though a number

Plan B's Stock-to-Flow-prismodel fordømt af Vitalik Buterin, Siger, at model kan være 'skadelig'

For a few years now, the pseudonymous creator of the popular stock-to-flow (S2F) bitcoin price model, Plan B, has become a very well known bitcoin influencer gathering 1.8 million Twitter followers. Imidlertid, after the S2F price model didnt come to fruition

Mens aktierne stiger, Analytikere diskuterer Bitcoins afkobling, Guldmarkederne forbliver "under pres"

OS. equities markets jumped on Thursday as stock traders saw some relief after a number of weekly losses. All the major stock indexes rebounded after falling for nearly eight weeks in a row, while the crypto economy took some losses on

Værdifulde metaller, Kryptovalutaer, Aktiemarkederne vakler efter Powells renteforhøjelseserklæringer

Equities, kryptomarkeder, and precious metals did well during the early morning trading sessions on Wednesday, just before the U.S. central bank wrapped up its Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. While the Fed said in a statement that the benchmark

Inflationen i USA hopper højest ind 40 år til 7%, Demokrater er bekymrede for, at inflation vil hjemsøge partiet

Et af de hotteste emner i USA i 2022 er den stigende inflation, som U.S. Arbejdsafdelingen’s data offentliggjort i onsdags indikerede, at forbrugerprisindekset (CPI) steg til 7% i december. This represents the largest annual