Ett växande antal amerikanska borgmästare vill få betalt i Bitcoin

A growing number of mayors in cities across the U.S. have said they want to be paid in bitcoin. The mayor of Miami said he is going to take his entire salary in the cryptocurrency, two other mayors will be converting

New York Citys tillträdande borgmästare Eric Adams tar först 3 Lönecheckar i Bitcoin, Lovar att göra NYC Center of Crypto

New York City Mayor-elect Eric Adams says that he will take his first three paychecks in bitcoin. He has also promised to make NYC the center of crypto. “NYC its going to be the center of the cryptocurrency industry and other

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers får betalt i Bitcoin, Avslöjar $1 Miljoner i BTC

Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers is taking a portion of his salary in bitcoin. He also gave away $1 million in the cryptocurrency to his fans in collaboration with Squares Cash App. “I believe in bitcoin,” han sa, adding that

Greater Miami: Kinas kryptonedslag "skapar otroliga möjligheter för Amerika" i Bitcoin Mining

The mayor of Miami, Florida, sees Chinas cryptocurrency crackdown asthe turning point” den där “creates an incredible opportunity for America.He said: “Their loss is our gain and America can and will lead the future by providing a clean power home

Amerikanska lagstiftare ser Kinas auktoritära tillslag mot krypto som en stor möjlighet

Several U.S. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, including bitcoin, som “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency