ECB:s president Lagarde varnar för "stor katastrof" om USA försummar sina skuldförbindelser

There is a lot of discussion lately about the U.S. government’s debt ceiling and whether Congress will act before defaulting. I en intervju nyligen, Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), said she is confident the U.S. can

Ekonom och statsvetare motbevisar påståenden om US-dollars undergång trots trenden med de-dollariseringsnyheter

This year, there has been a flurry of news reports and opinion editorials discussing an alleged de-dollarization trend amid a wave of disclosures associated with the BRICS bloc. In a recent article, the American political scientist and author Ian Bremmer insisted

Latam Insights – Inflationen skjuter i höjden i Argentina, El Salvador behandlar licenser för digitala tillgångar, Venezuelansk kryptokorruptionsundersökning fortsätter

Välkommen till Latam Insights, ett kompendium med de mest relevanta nyheterna om krypto och ekonomisk utveckling från Latinamerika under den senaste veckan. I detta nummer: Inflation in Argentina goes over 100%, El Salvador issues its first digital assets licenses, och den…

Med Nära till 10 Miljarder Stablecoins inlösta, BUSD:s utbud sjunker till den lägsta nivån sedan april 2021

Statistics recorded on April 15, 2023, show that the number of coins in circulation for the stablecoin BUSD dropped below the 7 billion range to 6.68 miljard, marking the lowest number of BUSD in circulation since April 2021. vidare, data indicates

Crypto Exchange Bitrue lider $23 Million Hack

Singapore-based crypto exchange Bitrue has lost millions of U.S. dollar’ worth of ether and other coins in a hack. The trading platform suspended withdrawals until early next week to conduct additional security checks and promised to compensate the affected users. Bitrue

IMF blogg: Räntorna sjunker till nivåer före pandemi när inflationen har tämjts

When inflation in advanced economies is tamed, real interest rates are likely to drop to pre-pandemic levels, the latest International Monetary Fund (IMF) blog post has said. According to the authors of the blog post, the transition to acleaner economy

USA:s presidentkandidat RFK Jr. Säger att Bitcoin ger en "flyktväg" från finansiell turbulens

På måndag, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. once again cautioned the public to be wary of central bank digital currencies (CBDC), and he insisted that the Biden administration has launched asteady barrage of hostile broadsides against cryptocurrencies.Kennedy, who recently filed

Frankrikes president Emmanuel Macron säger att Europa måste minska sitt beroende av den amerikanska dollarn för att undvika att bli "vasaller"

Emmanuel Macron, president of France, clarified his position on the future of Europe and its relations with China and the U.S. in the short term. Returning from his visit to Beijing, Macron believes that Europe should avoid getting caught up in

US-dollar kan förlora det mesta av sitt värde i 5 år, Investment Manager varnar

Investment manager Larry Lepard has warned that the U.S. dollar could lose most of its value within five to 10 år. Following the onset of the Russia-Ukraine war, “USA. did something which I perceived to be very stupid, vilket är…

USA:s bankutlåning sjunker rekordartat $105 Miljarder på två veckor, Biljoner flyttar till penningmarknadskonton, Elon Musk varnar "Trenden kommer att accelerera"

The banking industry in the United States is still struggling after the collapse of three major banks. According to statistics, bank lending in the U.S. has dropped by close to $105 billion in the last two weeks of March, vilket är…