Iran stängs av 8,000 Illegal Crypto Mining Farms i 3 år

Authorities in Iran have closed down more than 8,000 underground facilities for cryptocurrency mining in the past three years, rapporterade lokala medier. Despite the government’s crackdown, illegal crypto mining continues to account for a serious amount of energy consumption, official figures

Crypto Exchange Bitrue lider $23 Million Hack

Singapore-based crypto exchange Bitrue has lost millions of U.S. dollar’ worth of ether and other coins in a hack. The trading platform suspended withdrawals until early next week to conduct additional security checks and promised to compensate the affected users. Bitrue

Rysk domstol skickar 3 Kryptorånare till fängelse med strikt regim

Three Russians are going to spend time in high-security prison for stealing over a million U.S. dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency from another man. För övrigt, the court has also ordered them to fully compensate the victim for the damages, prosecutors announced….

Nordkorea stal rekordmängd kryptotillgångar i 2022, FN-rapport avslöjas

The regime in North Korea has managed to steal more cryptocurrency last year than in previous years, according to a draft U.N. Rapportera. Despite the difference between quoted estimates, the authors conclude that 2022 was a record-breaking year for crypto theft,…

Tidigare FTX Director of Engineering Under Scrutiny av USA:s brottsbekämpning, Påstådda Proffer-sessioner som hölls med åklagare i New York

U.S. law enforcement officials are reportedly scrutinizing Nishad Singh, the former director of engineering at FTX, according to a report citing people familiar with the matter. Another report, published on Jan. 10, 2023, details that Singh met with federal prosecutors at

Nordkoreanska Lazarus Group kopplad till ett nytt hackningsschema för kryptovaluta

The Lazarus group, a North Korean hacking organization previously linked to criminal activity, has been connected to a new attack scheme to breach systems and steal cryptocurrency from third parties. The campaign, which uses a modified version of an already existing

Rysk arresterad för att ha lurat köpare av gruvhårdvara värd över $300,000

Police in the southern Russian city of Astrakhan have detained a man accused of defrauding people who wanted to purchase crypto miners. Law enforcement officials say the suspect made millions of rubles through fictitious sales of mining devices to Russian citizens

Ukrainas säkerhetstjänst stänger av kryptogruvfarm nära frontlinjen i Charkiv

Ukraina’s främsta brottsbekämpande myndighet har sprängt en illegal anläggning som bryter kryptovalutor i Charkiv-regionen. Operatörerna av kryptofarmen har präglat mynt med hjälp av stora mängder stulen elektricitet, hotar energiförsörjningen till kritisk infrastruktur, the agency said….

Tidigare vd för Crypto Exchange Wex Dmitry Vasiliev enligt uppgift fängslad i Kroatien

Dmitry Vasiliev, co-owner and former chief executive of the now defunct Russian crypto exchange Wex, has been arrested upon entering Croatia, rapporterade lokala medier. The crypto entrepreneur is wanted by Kazakhstan where he is accused of stealing money from an investor….