USA med det högsta antalet stängda Bitcoin-uttagsautomater under negativt tillväxtår

The number of ATMs supporting digital currencies has fallen around the world over the course of a turbulent year for the whole industry. According to a new report, the United States has lost more machines offering crypto teller services than any

Ett dussin digitala tillgångar noterar tvåsiffriga vinster när kryptomarknaderna börjar läka efter FTX:s kollaps

At the time of writing the global cryptocurrency market capitalization is hovering around $842 billion on Sunday, nov. 27, 2022. Bitcoin prices consolidated since the start of the week, as seven-day stats indicate the price of bitcoin has dropped by 0.02%

Krakens Jesse Powell tar sikte på nyligen lanserade proof-of-reserve lists, POR-revision "kräver kryptografiskt bevis"

På tisdag, amid the many conversations concerning crypto exchange proof-of-reserves, Kraken executive Jesse Powell shared a screenshot of’s newly launched proof-of-reserves (POR) dashboard. Powell said he planned to be “more assertive with calling out problems,” and he stressed that a

Binances Bitcoin Reserve Stash närmar sig 600,000, Företagets BTC-cache är nu den största som innehas av en börs

När du var där’s been a lot of discussions concerning proof-of-reserves, self-custody, and the more than $5 billion in bitcoin and ethereum that left exchanges between Nov. 7 through Nov. 14, 2022, Binance’s bitcoin stash has grown significantly since Nov. 12. Faktiskt,…

Kim Kardashian och Floyd Mayweather vinner preliminär domstolsbeslut i Ethereummax-processen: Rapportera

Reality TV star Kim Kardashian and boxing legend Floyd Mayweather Jr. reportedly won a tentative court ruling in a class-action lawsuit involving the Ethereummax token. Investors have accused the celebrities of hyping Ethereummax and pumping the EMAX crypto token. Judge’s Tentative

Bitcoin Cores version 24.0 Fullständigt RBF-förslag väcker kontrovers, Synonym VD kallar "Pet Agenda" för en "attack"

Under de senaste veckorna, a number of individuals have been discussing the upcoming release of Bitcoin Core version 24.0 and how the codebase will include full-replace-by-fee (RBF) logic. The discussion has become controversial as a few Lightning Network and zero

Storleken på Bitcoins distribuerade ledbok närmar sig en halv terabyte

Well over a decade ago, on January 3, 2009, the size of the Bitcoin blockchain was 0.285 kilobytes (kB) or around 285 bytes. I dag, i alla fall, the blockchains ledger is nearly half a terabyte, eller ungefär 432 gigabytes. Bitcoin’s Blockchain Nears 500

Framsteg mot Bitcoins halvering är 60% Komplett, Blocktider föreslår att minskning kan ske nästa år

According to countdown statistics based on the average block generation time of around ten minutes, progress toward the next Bitcoin block reward halving has surpassed 60%. i alla fall, while most halving countdown clocks leverage the ten-minute average, the countdown leveraging the most

Feds inflationsdata visar att KPI kommer att höjas i framtiden, USA:s bruttostatsskuld $31 Biljon

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. konsumentprisindex (KPI) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt

Världens största Ethereum-gruvpool för att släppa Ether PoW-brytning, Ethermine startar sammanslagningsnedräkning

Världen’s största gruvpool för ethereum, Etermin, har meddelat att organisationen planerar att släppa proof-of-work (PoW) ethereumbrytning helt. Ethermine säger att plattformen’s miner dashboard will display a countdown and users can continue to mine ether until the countdown reaches