Crypto Exchange Bittrex går in i kapitel 11 Konkursskydd efter SEC-process

Bittrex Inc., den USA-baserade kryptovalutabörsen, har ansökt om kap 11 konkursskydd i Delaware efter att ha blivit stämd av U.S.A. Securities and Exchange Commission för att inte registrera sig hos tillsynsmyndigheten. Utbytet har enligt uppgift över 100,000 creditors and liabilities

Hits i Bitcoin-nätverket 75% Framsteg mot nästa belöningshalvering

At 11:06 a.m. Östlig tid (ET) i april 29, 2023, på blockhöjd 787,500, the number of blocks left to discover until the next Bitcoin blockchain halving is now fewer than 52,500 block. This means the network has progressed 75% genom…

Bitgo lanserar lagrings- och spårningslösning för Bitcoin-baserade ordinarie inskriptioner

På torsdag, digital asset custody provider, Bitgo, announced the launch of its storage and tracking solution for Bitcoin-based Ordinal inscriptions. Dessutom, users can use Bitgos Ordinal inscription storage system to inscribe their own inscriptions onto the Bitcoin blockchain. Bitgos New Solution

Bitcoin-halveringsmetoder: Mindre än 400 Dagar tills subventionen för blockbelöning halveras

According to current statistics, the Bitcoin network is fewer than 56,000 blocks away and less than 400 days away from the next reward halving. After the next halving, the block reward will be reduced by 50%, and the current block subsidy

Google Cloud blir Tezos Validator och erbjuder valideringstjänster

Google Cloud, fjärrtjänstavdelningen för mjukvarujätten, har annonserat ett partnerskap med blockchain-företaget Tezos för att bli en blockvalidator (“baker”) i sitt nätverk. Som en del av detta partnerskap, Google Cloud will also offer Tezos validation services through

NBA Hall of Famer Paul Pierce åtalas av SEC för att ha bjudit ut EMAX-tokens

USA. säkerhet och utbytesprovision (SEC) has charged Basketball Hall of Famer Paul Pierce for touting EMAX tokens and making misleading comments about unregistered crypto securities. The former Boston Celtics small forward agreed to settle the charges and pay the

Brasilianare kommer att kunna betala skatt med krypto

Brazilians will now be able to pay part of their state taxes using cryptocurrencies. Banco do Brazil, a mixed ownership bank, is launching the option of paying a set of taxes with crypto, using Bitfy, a Brazilian cryptocurrency startup, as a

Bitget utökar innovationszonen med prioriterad tillgång till exceptionella projekt

PRESSMEDDELANDE. Victoria Seychelles, 2023 – Bitget, the leading global crypto derivative exchange, announces to add AI (Artificial Intelligence), Beslut, and NFT zone listings to its Innovation Zone for users who would like to expose their crypto portfolio to related tokens

Debatten intensifieras om betydelsen och konsekvenserna av ordinala inskriptioner på Bitcoin Blockchain

During the past two weeks, members of the cryptocurrency community have discussed the non-fungible token (NFT) concept known as Ordinals. Since the 3.96 MB block (#774,628) was mined, there has been a significant increase in Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain….

Litecoin kommer att genomgå blockbelöningshalvering på drygt 200 dagar, Först bland stora PoW-kryptovalutor

In roughly 202 dagar, the cryptocurrency network Litecoin (LTC) will experience a block reward halving on or around Aug. 3, 2023. Litecoin will be the first major proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain to see a reward reduction before Bitcoins upcoming halving, vilket är…