Feds inflationsdata visar att KPI kommer att höjas i framtiden, USA:s bruttostatsskuld $31 Biljon

A recently published forecast stemming from the Federal Reserve Bank of Clevelands Inflation Nowcasting data indicates upcoming U.S. konsumentprisindex (KPI) metrics will likely be elevated. The newly predicted CPI levels were recorded the same day Americas gross national debt

Domen över rättegången för miljarder dollar överklagades – självutnämnd Bitcoin-uppfinnare förväntar sig en vinst

The law firm representing Ira Kleiman has sent a notice of appeal to the Florida District Court in an attempt to appeal the courts rejection of a Kleiman v. Wright retrial. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor, Craig Wright, was cleared of all

Bitcoin faller under $44K, Kryptoekonomin sjunker 4.5%, Handlare rusar till Stablecoins

Priset på bitcoin sjönk under $44K-zonen på onsdagen till $43,678 per enhet då hela kryptoekonomin har tappat miljarder i värde. I skrivande stund, den totala kryptoekonomin är nere 4.5% eftersom det sjönk till $2,25…

Jury för att avgöra ödet för miljarddollars Bitcoin-process som involverar Craig Wright

På tisdag, november 23, the closing arguments for both sides of the Kleiman v. Wright trial finished and now ten jurors will decide the fate of the billion-dollar bitcoin lawsuit. While Craig Wright claims hes Satoshi Nakamoto, he also insists the

Consensys siktar på $3 Miljardvärdering i kommande finansieringsrunda

Consensys, the Ethereum-based software boutique, is aiming to get a valuation that could reach $3 billion dollars in its upcoming funding round. The company would be taking advantage of the bullish climate the industry is experiencing right now to achieve this