Sydafrikanska universitetet kommer att påbörja utbildning i blockchain och digital valuta i november

A South African university, the University of Cape Town (UCT) has revealed it will commence blockchain and digital currency classes starting in November. According to the institution, students that enroll and complete the $693 six-week course will be issued a legal

Amerikanska lagstiftare uppmanar Fed-ordförande Jerome Powell att stödja kryptoinnovation

Several U.S. lawmakers have called on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell to support cryptocurrency innovation. “The Federal Reserve must work to support domestic innovationOur government should never be in the business of thwarting innovation.Members of Congress Urge Fed

Amerikanska lagstiftare ser Kinas auktoritära tillslag mot krypto som en stor möjlighet

Several U.S. lawmakers see Chinas authoritarian crackdown on cryptocurrency, including bitcoin, som “a perfect opportunity for American leadership on cryptocurrency.One senator noted that it isa reminder of our huge structural advantage over China.US Lawmakers Comment on Chinas Cryptocurrency

Remitteringar till Afrika kommer att komma förbi 5.4 % till $41 Miljarder — Covid-19-pandemi och höga sändningskostnader skylls

According to findings from the Continental Migration Report 2021, remittances to African countries are projected to decrease from the $44 billion recorded in 2020 till $41 miljard. The Covid Effect As expected, the Covid-19 pandemic is identified as one of the

Rysk domstol bekräftar arresteringsorder för 3 Finikos grundare

Tatarstans highest court has rejected appeals against arrest warrants issued for three co-founders of the notorious Finiko crypto pyramid. The top representatives of the Ponzi scheme, accused of large-scale fraud in Russia, are still hiding abroad, media reports reveal. Three

Afrika har några av de "högsta gräsrotsadoptionerna i världen" - Chainalysis Crypto Preview

While Africa is seen as one of the smallest cryptocurrency markets, according to a preview of ChainalysisGeography of Cryptocurrency annual report, this region hassome of the highest grassroots adoptions in the world.African Volumes Mainly Composed of Retail Transfers

Iran stänger ner fler illegala kryptofarmar, Att ta över totalen 5,300

Myndigheter i Iran fortsätter sina tillslag mot otillåten brytning av kryptovaluta eftersom efterfrågan på el är fortsatt hög. Landet’s kraftbolag har hittills lagt ner mer än 5,300 illegala gruvanläggningar, beslagta en enorm mängd myntpressningsmaskiner. Power Utility