Koreanska Crypto Exchanges Upbit, Bithumb slog till mot lagstiftarens kryptoaffärer

Sydkoreanska åklagare har gjort tillslag mot två av landets största mynthandelsplattformar inom en utredning av en politikers kryptoinvesteringar. De beslagtog material från Upbit och Bithumb efter misstankar om fel relaterade till lagstiftarens innehav av kryptovaluta. söder…

Nigeria-Kina valutaswap: Aktivistadvokat anklagar IMF och Världsbanken för "ekonomiskt sabotage" för att främja amerikanska dollar, Uppmanar Nigeria att gå med i BRICS

Nigerian human rights activist and lawyer, Femi Falana, has accused the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) of sabotaging the currency swap arrangement between China and Nigeria. Falana said the Nigerian central bank and the two global financial

Syrien uppmanar BRICS att leda i att dumpa dollar, Samtalar Yuan-adoption med Kina

BRICS nations can lead efforts to abandon the U.S. dollar in international settlements, according to President Bashar Assad of Syria. At a meeting with China’s top diplomat for the region, the leader of the war-torn Middle Eastern country called for using

ECB:s president Lagarde varnar för "stor katastrof" om USA försummar sina skuldförbindelser

There is a lot of discussion lately about the U.S. government’s debt ceiling and whether Congress will act before defaulting. I en intervju nyligen, Christine Lagarde, the president of the European Central Bank (ECB), said she is confident the U.S. can

Brasiliens president Lula uppmanar utvecklingsländerna att överge dollarn som global reservvaluta

According to Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, developing countries should abandon the U.S. dollar and strengthen their own national currencies. During a speech at the New Development Bank in Shanghai, Lula expressed his nightly pondering: “Why do all countries

Frankrikes president Emmanuel Macron säger att Europa måste minska sitt beroende av den amerikanska dollarn för att undvika att bli "vasaller"

Emmanuel Macron, president of France, clarified his position on the future of Europe and its relations with China and the U.S. in the short term. Returning from his visit to Beijing, Macron believes that Europe should avoid getting caught up in

Saudiarabien stärker bandet med Kina genom att gå med i SCO Bloc som dialogpartner

China’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is growing as the country’s Cabinet has agreed to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The diplomatic move made by the kingdom began with a memorandum of understanding in September, and at the end of March,…

Putin, Xi lovar att använda Yuan när Ryssland och Kina flyttar till bosättningar i nationella valutor

As part of the talks that Russian president Vladimir Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping are currently conducting in Russia, Russia has vowed to move to use the Chinese yuan as a settlement currency with countries in Asia, Afrika, and Latam….

Crypto Association i Turkiet lovar att blockera utbyten som "utsätter handlare"

A new organization has been established in Turkey with the aim to monitor and help develop the country’s crypto sector, rapporterade lokala medier. Its first task will be to address recent problems with some cryptocurrency exchanges and boost confidence in the