Brasiliens president Lula uppmanar utvecklingsländerna att överge dollarn som global reservvaluta

According to Brazil’s president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, developing countries should abandon the U.S. dollar and strengthen their own national currencies. During a speech at the New Development Bank in Shanghai, Lula expressed his nightly pondering: “Why do all countries

Saudiarabien stärker bandet med Kina genom att gå med i SCO Bloc som dialogpartner

China’s relationship with Saudi Arabia is growing as the country’s Cabinet has agreed to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). The diplomatic move made by the kingdom began with a memorandum of understanding in September, and at the end of March,…

Saudiarabien och OPEC avslöjar nedskärning av överraskande oljeproduktion; Vita huset insisterar på att nedskärningar inte är tillrådliga just nu

På söndag, Saudi Arabia and several major oil producers announced their plan to cut oil production by 1.15 million barrels per day, starting in May and continuing until the end of 2023. According to the Saudi Energy Ministry, the move was

Rapportera: Financial Services Giant Old Mutual utsedd till chef för South African Stablecoin Projects kontantreserver

One of South Africas largest financial services groups, Old Mutual, has reportedly been appointed manager of the ZARP stablecoin projects cash reserves. Founders of the stablecoin are hopeful that the appointment of one of the countrys oldest financial services companies will

Rapportera: Domare i MTI-likvidationsmål utfärdar order som utpekar Bitcoin till en immateriell tillgång

A judge in the collapsed online bitcoin trading platform Mirror Trading Internationals liquidation case has issued a provisional liquidation order that outlines the criteria to be used when reimbursing investors. The order also reportedly directs the liquidators to regard bitcoin “som…

Uganda hävdar att undersökningar har upptäckts 31 Miljoner ton guld

Medan guld ofta anses vara en knapp tillgång, Uganda förklarade på onsdagen att nyligen genomförda prospekteringsundersökningar tyder på att det finns’är ungefär 31 miljoner ton guldmalm som väntar på att brytas i regionen. Dessutom, en talesperson från Uganda’s Ministry