SHIB-ova javna beta različica Shibarium je načrtovana za uvedbo v tretjem četrtletju

The shiba inu crypto community is anticipating the launch of the layer two (L2) scaling solution Shibarium after it was revealed that the public beta will launch in the third quarter. According to shiba inu developers Shytoshi Kusama and Ryoshi, the…

Trg stablecoin se približuje 15% tržnega vrednotenja celotnega kripto gospodarstva

Pred približno dvema mesecema, aprila 11, gospodarstvo stablecoin je bilo ocenjeno na $190 milijarde in je bil vse bližje presežku $200 milijarde v vrednosti. Vendar, po padcu stablecoina Terra, gospodarstvo žetonov, vezano na fiat, je izgubilo $16.31 billion in value since

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Hits an All-Time High Nearing 300 Exahash na sekundo

While Bitcoins mining difficulty was expected to decrease two days ago on June 8, instead the difficulty increased by 1.29% v sredo. On the same day, v višini bloka 739,928, Bitcoin’s hashrate tapped an all-time high (ATH) doseganje 292.02 exahash per

Crypto Fear and Greed Index Shows ‘Extreme Fear’ and Shaky Sentiment Persist

For a few weeks now, bitcoin sentiment stemming from the Crypto Fear and Greed Index (CFGI) has been in theextreme fearrange. While bitcoin gathered some gains on Monday, the CFGI is still in theextreme fearposition with a

‘Big Short’ Investor Michael Burry Warns of Looming Consumer Recession, More Earnings Trouble

Hedge fund manager Michael Burry, famed for forecasting the 2008 financial crisis, has warned of a looming consumer recession and more earnings trouble. He cited falling U.S. personal savings and record-setting revolving credit card debt despite trillions of dollars in stimulus

Bored Ape and Cryptopunk Values Wobble — During the Last Month, Blue-Chip NFT Floor Values Dropped Over 50%

While the crypto economy has dropped considerably in value during the last few weeks, seven-day statistics indicate non-fungible token (NFT) sales are down 17.32% lower than last week. Data also shows NFT floor values have tumbled a great deal during the

Terra Collapse še naprej pesti Defi – vrednost, zaklenjena v mostovih med verigami, pada 20% Ta mesec

Following the aftermath of the Terra blockchain fiasco, decentralizirane finance (defi) continues to feel the impact of the projects fallout. During the last four days the total value locked (TVL) in defi has dropped 2.61% in value, and cross-chain bridges have

Poročilo o rudarjenju kaže, da se je poraba električne energije Bitcoina zmanjšala za 25% v Q1 2022

Konec maja lani, Tesla’Elon Musk je prepričal vodilne v industriji bitcoinov, da so ustanovili svet za rudarjenje bitcoinov (BMC) in sredi julija, BMC je predstavil svoje javne storitve in spletno stran. aprila 25, 2022, the organization published a report

$19.2 Milijarde zastavljenih sredstev – Liquid Staking Solution Lido naj bi presegel TVL krivulje

Medtem ko je skupna vrednost zaklenjena (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) lebdi tik nad $214 milijarde mark, defi protokol, imenovan Lido, se približuje prevzemu Curve’je na prvem mestu v smislu TVL v protokolu defi. Trenutno, the…