Bitcoin napreduje pri odpravljanju zaostankov, toda zmogljivost omrežja Lightning in kanali so padli zaradi prezasedenosti

V preteklem tednu, omrežje Bitcoin je napredovalo pri reševanju težav z zastoji. maja 7, 2023, število nepotrjenih transakcij je doseglo najvišjo vrednost v zgodovini nad 500,000 prenosi, povzroča velike zaostanke. Vendar, od danes, that number has been reduced to 263,406. Trenutno, 184 blocks need to be cleared to process the majority of transactions that are still stuck in the network’s mempool.


Congestion Woes Ease on Bitcoin Network

The long queue of transactions is finally starting to subside as bitcoin miners have started catching up with some of the backlog. As we poročali three days ago, News noted the beginning of the congestion-clearing process, with unconfirmed transactions dropping from over 500,000 maja 7 to just above 300,000 v četrtek, maja 11.

Bitcoin Makes Progress in Clearing Backlog, but Lightning Network Capacity and Channels Dropped Amid Congestion
Onchain Bitcoin network fees according to on May 14, 2023.

According to statistics, high-priority transactions were priced at $3 na prenos, while low-priority transactions cost $2.23 per transfer at that time. Current statistics maja 14 show that onchain fees have significantly subsided on the Bitcoin blockchain over the past three days. Just a few days ago, a high-priority transaction would have cost $3, ampak danes, that fee has dropped to $0.83.

Bitcoin Makes Progress in Clearing Backlog, but Lightning Network Capacity and Channels Dropped Amid Congestion
The number of unconfirmed transactions on the Bitcoin network, according to on May 14, 2023.

A medium-priority transfer is now priced at $0.79, while a low-priority transaction can cost around $0.75. This is a significant improvement, with high-priority onchain fees sliding by 72.33% v preteklosti 72 ure. Dodatno, the number of unconfirmed transactions stuck in the queue has reduced to 263,406, which is just above half of what it held on May 7.

Lightning Network Capacity and Channels Drop

maja 9, the number of transactions was around 413,420, which means that 36.28% of the backlog has been cleared in the past five days. While fees skyrocketed to roughly $30 per transaction on May 7 and have been quite volatile lately, the Lightning Network’s capacity did not improve. Pravzaprav, the number of BTC locked into the Lightning Network dropped from 5,463 BTC maja 5 to today’s capacity of 5,415 BTC maja 14.

Bitcoin Makes Progress in Clearing Backlog, but Lightning Network Capacity and Channels Dropped Amid Congestion
Lightning Network capacity according to on May 14, 2023.

The dip indicates that roughly $1.28 million in value left the Lightning Network amid the transaction backlog chaos. maja 8, the Lightning Network boasted 73,352 edinstveni kanali. Vendar, that number has since decreased to the current 71,286 edinstveni kanali. According to’s Lightning Network metrics, roughly 5,057 BTC in capacity is on clearnet, while 253 BTC of capacity is using Tor. The remaining Lightning Network capacity is identified as “other.”

Oznake v tej zgodbi
Bitcoin, bitcoin zaostanek, Bitcoin Transakcije, Uporabniki bitcoinov, zmogljivost, clearnet, strelovodno omrežje, Mempool, Preobremenjenost omrežja, onchain pristojbine, Tor, Nepotrjene transakcije, edinstveni kanali

What are your thoughts on the recent developments in the Bitcoin network and the Lightning Network’s capacity? Share your insights in the comments section below.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 7,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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