Ministrica za finance Yellen pravi, da bi morala kripto regulativa podpirati odgovorne inovacije, Upravljajte tveganja

Treasury Secretary Yellen says the regulatory frameworks for crypto assets in the U.S. shouldsupport responsible innovation while managing risks.She emphasized, “Regulation should be based on risks and activities, not specific technologies.Treasury Secretary Yellen on Crypto Regulation U.S. Zakladnica…

IMF: Potrebujemo veliko več dela na kriptoregulaciji

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) says a lot more work needs to be done on crypto regulation. “mi’ve certainly seen an increase in the use of cryptocurrencies before this war, and weve seen it happen more in emerging markets than in

US Senators Working on Broad-Based Crypto Regulation

Two U.S. senators are working on a bipartisan, broad-based regulatory framework for cryptocurrency. “The work were doing is going to be a very complex and intensive review of the different aspects of this industry,” said one of the senators. US Senators

Povpraševanje po UST še naprej narašča, Luna Foundation Guard to Burn 4.2 Milijon LUNA iz državne blagajne

The Luna Foundation Guard (LFG), a nonprofit organization, has announced new measures to keep the supply of UST, the flagship stablecoin of the Terra ecosystem, liquid in secondary markets. The protocol has already reached the max issuance of UST per day,…

Geopolitična tveganja in skrbi glede Ukrajine pretresajo delnice, Kriptovalute — zlato raste višje

V sredo, global markets have been volatile as Ukraine officials declared a state of emergency amid fears of a Russian invasion. Wall Street’s top indexes shuddered during the days trading sessions, and cryptocurrency markets slipped more than 4% during the 24

Šef bančništva ameriškega senata kritizira kripto oglase Super Bowla, Trdi, da so velika kripto podjetja obupana

The United States senator from Ohio and Senate Banking Committee chief Sherrod Brown is not a fan of cryptocurrencies. This week during Tuesdays stablecoin hearing, Brown criticized all the cryptocurrency companies who advertised during the Super Bowl this past weekend and

Gospodarstvo stabilnih coinov še naprej raste, ko se tržna kapitalizacija USDC preseže $50 milijarde

As the entire lot of 12,333 digital currencies hovers just above $1.8 trillion in value, the stablecoin economy has recently swelled to $178.8 billion or 9.9% celotne kriptoekonomije. Out of the top five stablecoins, usd kovanec (USDC) saw

Bitcoin pade pod 44 tisoč dolarjev, Kripto gospodarstvo upada 4.5%, Trgovci hitijo po stabilnih kovancih

The price of bitcoin dropped below the $44K zone on Wednesday to $43,678 per unit as the entire crypto-economy has shed billions in value. V času pisanja, the overall crypto economy is down 4.5% as it dipped to $2.25

Eurosystem Approves New Oversight Framework Concerning Crypto Services

The monetary authority of the euro area, the Eurosystem, has introduced a new framework for overseeing electronic payments, including services related to crypto assets. The new set of rules will complement upcoming EU regulations for cryptocurrencies and stablecoins. ECB Aims for