The Fed Codifies Fourth Consecutive 75bps Rate Hike — Stocks, Bitcoin, and Metals Rise

ZDA. Federal Reserve introduced another jumbo rate hike on Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2022, by hiking the federal funds rate (FFR) avtor 75 bazične točke (bps). The American central bank said on Wednesday that the hike aims to curb inflation and

Tržni strateg pričakuje padec delniškega trga 50% Od tod, Pravi, da "srednjega razreda ne bo več"

Following Jerome Powells hawkish commentary at the annual Jackson Hole Economic Symposium, major stock indexes, kriptovalute, and precious metals slid significantly in value. konec $240 billion was erased from the crypto market and the Crypto Fear and Greed Index continues to

Medtem ko globalne trge prestrašita Covid in jastrebska Fed, Delnice in kriptovalute so ponovno odskočile, potem ko je Musk kupil Twitter

Wall Street je v ponedeljek zjutraj trpel kot glavni ameriški indeks. borzni indeksi so se še znižali, temelji na izgubah, zbranih prejšnji teden. Poročila kažejo, da so vlagatelji zaskrbljeni zaradi prihajajočih dvigov obrestnih mer Federal Reserve in Kitajske’nedavni izbruh Covid-19. As equities floundered on

Geopolitična tveganja in skrbi glede Ukrajine pretresajo delnice, Kriptovalute — zlato raste višje

V sredo, global markets have been volatile as Ukraine officials declared a state of emergency amid fears of a Russian invasion. Wall Street’s top indexes shuddered during the days trading sessions, and cryptocurrency markets slipped more than 4% during the 24