Hashrate Ethereum Classic dosega še eno najvišjo vrednost vseh časov po Ethereumovi utrjeni časovnici spajanja

V četrtek, following the official proof-of-stake (PoS) transition announcement from the Ethereum Foundation, Ethereum Classic’s hashrate tapped another all-time high at block height 15,806,925. The latest jump to 38.64 terahash marks the networks second record high in five days, as Ethereum

Največji rudarski bazen Ethereum na svetu bo opustil rudarjenje Ether PoW, Ethermine začne odštevanje z združitvijo

Svet’s largest ethereum mining pool, Ethermine, has announced the organization plans to drop proof-of-work (PoW) ethereum mining entirely. Ethermine says that the platforms miner dashboard will display a countdown and users can continue to mine ether until the countdown reaches

Ethereum Classic Hashrate doseže najvišjo vrednost vseh časov, ETC Hashpower je poskočil 39% Višje v 4 Dnevi

On August 20, 2022, Ethereum Classic’s hashrate reached an all-time high at block height 15,776,674 as it tapped 38.37 terahash na sekundo (TH/s). The crypto asset has seen its hashrate surge since Wednesday, avgusta 17, jumping 39.22% higher from 27.56 TH/s…

FDIC izda odredbe o prekinitvi in ​​opustitvi v zvezi s kripto 5 Podjetja, vključno z ameriško borzo FTX

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has sent a cease and desist letter to five companies, including crypto exchange FTX US. CEO Sam Bankman-Fried explained that FTX does not have FDIC insurance, navaja: “We never meant otherwise, and apologize if anyone

Vrh 10 Prevlada PoW izhlapi 9 Leta kasneje, Po združitvi bosta ostala samo dva kovanca z dokazom o delu

The crypto community is patiently waiting for the highly anticipated Ethereum network upgrade from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS) as The Merge is expected to happen 27 days from now. After Ethereum transitions from PoW to PoS, only two crypto assets

Rudarji PoW pridobivajo dobiček, rudarijo ETH do konca, Ethash Networks pričakujejo spodbudo, Strategi JPMorgan pravijo, da bi ETC lahko koristil

In just over a month’s časom, The Merge is likely to be implemented on the Ethereum blockchain and the networks proof-of-work (PoW) miners will be forced to mine another coin. So far, it seems ethereum miners are sticking with the PoW

Število registracij domen ENS je prejšnji mesec skokovito naraslo, Skupno število ustvarjenih imen blizu 2 milijon

The number of Ethereum Name Service (ENS) domains is nearing the two million mark as 1,888,209 ENS names have been etched into the Ethereum blockchain to date. The project recently detailed that July saw the largest monthly rise in revenue scoring

Value Locked in Defi Stalls Before Reaching the $100 Billion Mark, Cross-Chain Bridge Statistics Crater

During the last few weeks, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) has come awfully close to reaching the $100 billion mark again, but it fell short this week. Danes, the value locked across the defi ecosystem is $86.22

Raziskava, ki sprašuje, ali bi združitev lahko povzročila razpad verige Ethereum, sproži razprave o zamudi pri prodaji storitev

While there’s 50 days left until the week of September 19, the crypto community has been discussing whether or not Ethereum developers will delay the penciled-in date for The Merge. Poleg tega, on July 27, the crypto hedge fund Galois Capital published

US Inflation Remains Scorching Hot, Jumping to 9.1% in June — White House Says CPI Data Is Already ‘Out-of-Date’

According to the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index (CPI) poročilo, ZDA. inflation remains scorching hot as it has risen at the fastest yearly rate since 1981. junija’s CPI data reflected a 9.1% year-over-year increase, even though a number