Value Locked in Defi Stalls Before Reaching the $100 Billion Mark, Cross-Chain Bridge Statistics Crater

During the last few weeks, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) has come awfully close to reaching the $100 billion mark again, but it fell short this week. Danes, the value locked across the defi ecosystem is $86.22 billion as the TVL has lost 3.34% during the past 24 ure.


Value Locked in Decentralized Finance Falls Short From Tapping $100 milijarde

On August 2, 2022, the value locked in decentralized finance (defi) protocols is around $86.22 milijarde, po meritve. Makerdao dominates the pack by 9.67% with the protocol’s $8.34 milijarda zaklenjena.

Today’s defi TVL is down 3.34% but the value has been steadily rising since the low of $69 billion recorded in mid-June. The TVL has seen a 24.95% rise since that low in mid-June and the value locked managed to reach $89.84 billion on July 29.

Value Locked in Defi Stalls Before Reaching the $100 Billion Mark, Cross-Chain Bridge Statistics Crater
Today’s total value locked in decentralized finance (defi) avgusta 2, 2022.

Out of all the defi supporting blockchains, Ethereum is still the dominant leader capturing 65.20% of today’s TVL with approximately $55.84 billion locked on August 2. Binance Smart Chain (BSC) follows Ethereum with $6.64 billion locked which equates to 7.75% od $86.22 milijarde.

Value Locked in Defi Stalls Before Reaching the $100 Billion Mark, Cross-Chain Bridge Statistics Crater
The total value locked on all chains, po Ethereum dominates the $86.22 billion by 65.20% z $55.84 billion locked on August 2.

Tron is the third largest today in defi, z $5.78 milijarda zaklenjena, which represents around 6.75% of the TVL in defi. While Makerdao is the largest defi protocol, the application’s TVL rose by 5.91% ta prejšnji teden.

Instadapp, Lido Capture Double-Digit Monthly Gains — Cross-Chain Bridge TVL Slides More Than 60% This Past Month

Seven-day statistics show that out of the top ten largest defi protocols in terms of TVL, Instadapp saw a 27.38% porast. The liquid staking defi protocol Lido jumped by 13.63% this past week and Convex Finance saw an 11.18% porast.

All of the top ten defi apps saw TVL gains this week and also saw gains during the past 30 dnevi. Instadapp, which is in the tenth position, saw a 49.14% monthly TVL increase, and Lido’s TVL swelled by 44.50% nad zadnjim 30 dnevi.

The cross-chain bridge ecosystem has cratered as 30-day statistics show that it’s down ​​60.4% and the Nomad bridge exploit contributed to this month’s losses. The smart contract platform token market capitalization today is $333 milijarde, which is a 2.2% drop in the last 24 ure.

Value Locked in Defi Stalls Before Reaching the $100 Billion Mark, Cross-Chain Bridge Statistics Crater
Dune Analytics’ stats that show the value locked in cross-chain bridges is down more than 60% v 30 dnevi.

The biggest smart contract platform token gainers during the past week were ethereum (ETH) in ethereum classic (ITD). ETH skočil 10.5% in ITD increased 54.9% proti ZDA. dolar. Besides ITD, neblio (NEBL) skočil 121.5% this past week and oasis network (ROSE) povečalo za 72.5%.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
Binance Smart Chain, convex finance, Cross-chain Bridges, decentralizirane finance, decentralized finance protocols, DeFi, Defi metrics, defi records, defi stats, eter, Ethereum, Ethereum (ETH), Instadapp, Lido, makerdao, Market Dominance, Nomad bridge exploit, Smart Contract, smart contract platform coin, TVL

What do you think about the recent decentralized finance (defi) market action and the cross-chain bridge TVL plummeting? Sporočite nam, kaj mislite o tej temi v spodnjem oddelku za komentarje.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 5,700 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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