Vrh 10 Prevlada PoW izhlapi 9 Leta kasneje, Po združitvi bosta ostala samo dva kovanca z dokazom o delu

The crypto community is patiently waiting for the highly anticipated Ethereum network upgrade from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS) as The Merge is expected to happen 27 days from now. After Ethereum transitions from PoW to PoS, only two crypto assets in the top ten market cap rankings will be PoW tokens, which is a stark contrast to the top ten nine years ago.


The PoS Age Begins: Proof-of-Work Crypto Assets Disappear From Top Ten Market Cap Standings

To leto, for the first time in crypto history, trije stabilni kovanci entered the top ten largest market cap positions. During the first week of May, Terra’s stablecoin UST made it into the top ten alongside USDT in USDC, but after UST’s depegging incident, the token fell from the top ten coin rankings. After UST’s implosion, the Binance Smart Chain-issued BUSD stablecoin joined the top coins by valuation and today, three stablecoins remain in the top ten.

That wasn’t the case nine years ago, on avgusta 18, 2013, as there were no stablecoins in the top ten, because the stablecoin trend was not prevalent at all back then. notri 27 dnevi, Ethereum will change from PoW to PoS after operating as a PoW chain for seven years, and when that happens, only two coins in the top ten will be PoW tokens. The last standing top two PoW crypto tokens in the top ten will be bitcoin (BTC) and dogecoin (DOŽ). This trend was also not prevalent nine years ago in 2013, when the top ten crypto tokens were mostly PoW coins.

On August 18, 2013, bitcoin (BTC) was changing hands for $113 per unit and ethereum was nonexistent. Pravzaprav, the Ethereum blockchain did not launch for another 711 days after August 18, 2013, in litecoin (LTC) was the second-largest crypto token by market cap. Proof-of-stake crypto assets were conceptualized at the time, and in 2013 there were a number of hybrid proof-of-work and proof-of-stake tokens with peercoin (PPC) leading the charge. PPC was the first hybrid PoW/PoS blockchain introduced to the crypto community, and it was created by the pseudonymous developer Sunny King.

Top 10 PoW Dominance Evaporates 9 Years Later, Only Two Proof-of-Work Coins Will Remain After The Merge
On August 18, 2013, the only coin that was not a proof-of-work token was XRP. Nine cryptocurrencies in the top ten were proof-of-work and some were hybrid PoW/PoS coins. Hybrid means that the network uses both proof-of-work and proof-of-stake.

Nine years ago, the PoW and hybrid PoW coins in the top ten included bitcoin (BTC), litecoin (LTC), namecoin (NMC), peercoin (PPC), feathercoin (FTC), novacoin (NVC), primecoin (XPM), terracoin (TRC), and infinitecoin (IFC). At that time in 2013, the only non-PoW coin in the top ten standings was XRP, in XRP is still in the top ten crypto market cap rankings in 2022. Close to seven years ago on August 23, 2015, there were fewer PoW coins in the top ten, even with ethereum (ETH) joining the ranks as a PoW coin.

Takrat, only six PoW coins existed in the top ten, vključno z BTC, LTC, ETH, DASH, DOŽ, and BCN. At the time in 2015, hybrid PoW/PoS coins were pushed down in value and pure PoS networks started to become more prevalent. On avgusta 23, 2015, banx shares (BANX) in bitshares (BTS) were among the most valuable PoS assets. BTS still exists and is worth $0.010 per unit today while BANX is non-existent following significant controversy.

Doge Holds Top Ten Position by a Thread

Two years later, six PoW coins still remained in the top ten on August 20, 2017. PoW coins included at that time were BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DASH, in ITD. BCH, LTC, DASH, in ITD no longer appear in the top ten standings. Further, a few other coins that once held positions in the top ten like IOTA, NEM, in NEO have also dropped out of the top ten standings since then. That was close to five years ago and today, DOGE and BTC are the last PoW coins standing in the top ten.

Top 10 PoW Dominance Evaporates 9 Years Later, Only Two Proof-of-Work Coins Will Remain After The Merge
Bitcoin (BTC) and dogecoin (DOŽ) The last two PoW crypto assets standing in the top ten crypto market cap positions.

Poleg tega, it’s worth noting that dogecoin (DOŽ) is in the tenth position and is fairly close to polkadot’s (DOT) market cap in size. When Združitev takes place and Ethereum becomes a PoS chain, there’s a chance DOGE may not be in the top ten if prices change. If DOGE is knocked out and The Merge is complete, BTC will be the only proof-of-work digital asset out of the top ten largest crypto market capitalizations.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
2 PoW coins, 2013, 2015, 2017, 3 stabilni kovanci, Bitcoin (BTC), Blockchain, Blockchain Consensus, BTC, Doge, Dogecoin (DOŽ), ETH, Ethereum, Ethereum (ETH), Ethereum The Merge, hybrid PoS coins, hybrid PoW/PoS, peercoin, PoS, PoS coins, PoW, ppc, Dokazilo o delu, Dokaz o deležu, Sunny King, Združitev

What do you think about the top ten coins losing proof-of-work dominance over the last nine years? Sporočite nam, kaj mislite o tej temi v spodnjem oddelku za komentarje.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri Bitcoin-Tidings.com News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 5,700 članki za Bitcoin-Tidings.com Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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