Trg stablecoin se približuje 15% tržnega vrednotenja celotnega kripto gospodarstva

Pred približno dvema mesecema, aprila 11, gospodarstvo stablecoin je bilo ocenjeno na $190 milijarde in je bil vse bližje presežku $200 milijarde v vrednosti. Vendar, po padcu stablecoina Terra, gospodarstvo žetonov, vezano na fiat, je izgubilo $16.31 billion in value since

Poročilo o rudarjenju kaže, da se je poraba električne energije Bitcoina zmanjšala za 25% v Q1 2022

Konec maja lani, Tesla’Elon Musk je prepričal vodilne v industriji bitcoinov, da so ustanovili svet za rudarjenje bitcoinov (BMC) in sredi julija, BMC je predstavil svoje javne storitve in spletno stran. aprila 25, 2022, the organization published a report

Heroes of Arcan Announces Community-Driven Heroic Fantasy Play-to-Earn Game

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Heroes of Arcan aims to create a play-to-earn game that offers players engaging, challenging peer-to-peer strategic gameplay backed by ethical, carbon-neutral blockchain technology. The play-to-earn revolution has catalyzed global change in blockchain and cryptocurrency markets, with over 750,000 individual

Terjatve na seznamu zakladnic Bitcoin 59 Držijo podjetja in peščica držav 1.49 Milijon BTC

304 days or roughly nine months ago, 42 companies held bitcoin on their balance sheet with an aggregate total of 1,350,073 bitcoin on March 1, 2021. Danes, metrics indicate there are 59 companies, a few countries, and exchange-traded funds (ETF-ji) z…

Kripto znamka je zaradi povpraševanja na dan lansiranja zrušila spletno trgovino švicarske pošte

Unexpectedly high demand for Switzerlands first crypto stamp has created headaches for the national postal service. Swiss Post announced it had to deal with technical issues when numerous orders hit its online shop all at once on the day the innovative

The Sandbox Scores $93 Million Investment Led by Softbank as Metaverse Tokens Thrive

The Sandbox, a blockchain-based metaverse game, has scored an investment of $93 million to keep expanding its metaverse proposal. The funding round was led by Softbanks Vision Fund 2, an investment vehicle that puts funds on early tech-based companies. Other investors

JPMorgan Strategist Estimates Ether’s Fair Value at $1,500 Amid Competition From ‘Ethereum Killers’

A strategist at JPMorgan stated that ethers fair value is way lower than its current price. According to a set of measurements based on network activity, he calculated ethers value at $1,500, 55% lower than its market price. One of the

Rusko sodišče potrdilo naloge za aretacijo 3 Ustanovitelji podjetja Finiko

Tatarstans highest court has rejected appeals against arrest warrants issued for three co-founders of the notorious Finiko crypto pyramid. The top representatives of the Ponzi scheme, accused of large-scale fraud in Russia, are still hiding abroad, media reports reveal. Three