Axie Infinity’s Monthly Player Count Drops to Low Not Seen Since November 2020

After recording $4.26 billion in total non-fungible token (NFT) prodaja, the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity’s monthly player count has dropped to levels not seen since November 2020, a period of 26 mesecih. Despite the low player count, the project’s native token, AXS, has climbed 62% višje v primerjavi z ZDA. dollar in the last 30 dnevi.


Axie Infinity’s Native Token AXS Climbs 62% Despite Continued Decrease in Monthly Players

The non-fungible token-based online video game Axie Infinity once had millions of monthly players, with a peak of 2.78 million in Jan. 2022, according to statistika. With Jan. not quite over, the last 30 days indicate an average of 432,001 players to date. During Dec. 2022, there were 468,805 players, a low not seen in over two years, since Nov. 2020.

Axie held an average of two million monthly players for eight consecutive months between Oct. 2021 and May 2022. After May, the average monthly player count dropped to 958,044, oz 1,202,210 fewer players than the previous month. Over the next four months, Axie’s monthly player count remained above 700,000, but in November 2022, it slipped to 556,058.

Axie Infinity's Monthly Player Count Drops to Low Not Seen Since November 2020

The last month of 2022 and the first month of 2023 also saw dismal numbers. As far as all-time NFT sales are concerned, the project developed by Vietnamese studio Sky Mavis has recorded $4.26 milijarde in total NFT sales, more than top NFT markets like Magic Eden, Looksrare, X2Y2, Rarible, and Atomicmarket.

Axie Infinity's Monthly Player Count Drops to Low Not Seen Since November 2020

According to podatke from, sales on Axie’s Ronin chain saw a 41% increase over the last 30 days compared to the previous month. Ronin sales over the last 30 days totaled $1,418,842, and Ronin is the ninth-largest blockchain in terms of monthly sales this month. Axie Infinity’s native token, AXS, has performed well this month, increasing by 62% proti ZDA. dollar over the last 30 dnevi.

Axie Infinity's Monthly Player Count Drops to Low Not Seen Since November 2020

Two-week statistics show AXS is up 67% against the greenback. On Jan. 22, 2023, AXS was trading at prices between $8.95 in $11.84, gaining 24% on Sunday afternoon at 4:30 popoldne. vzhodni čas. AXS is the 42nd largest crypto market capitalization, with a valuation of around $1.31 milijarde.

Despite the recent lift, AXS is still down from its $164 per unit high on November 6, 2021, and is down 93% since that day. The play-to-earn (P2E) game Axie Infinity’s player count is significantly lower than some of the top played games today. Na primer, shows that Overwatch 2’s active number of monthly players was around 23 milijonov v zadnjem 30 days and 23 million during Dec. 2022.

Call of Duty: Mobile Live Player had 58,502,111 average monthly players in the last 30 days and 58,001,154 during Dec. 2022. In comparison, Axie Infinity’s player count is a small fraction of these games with very high monthly player counts. Konkretno, Axie’s Dec. 2022 average monthly player count represented 0.81% of Call of Duty’s average monthly player count.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
2020, 8 consecutive months,, axie, axie neskončnost, axs, Blockchain, blockchain games, Call of Duty, Comparison, count, Count Drop, Kripto sredstvo, Kriptovaluta, Zmanjšanje, Decrease in players, low, Tržna kapitalizacija, Millions, Monthly, monthly drop, Monthly numbers, Native Token, nft, NFT-ji, Nezamenljivi žeton, Nezamenljivi žetoni, novembra, online video game, Overwatch 2, P2E, P2E games, peak, igraj, da zaslužiš, player, players, Ronin Blockchain, Ronin market, prodaja, Statistika, Top Games, top-played games, Vrednotenja

What do you think is the future for Axie Infinity and its native token, AXS, given the decrease in monthly players? Share your thoughts about this subject in the comments section below.

Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 6,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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