Keanu Reeves Says Dismissing Crypto Will Only Make It Better

Famous actor Keanu Reeves says dismissing crypto or criticizing its volatility will only “make it better in terms of how it’s safeguarded.” The Matrix star added that the principle and ideas behind an independent currency are “amazing.”


Keanu Reeves Praises Crypto

Famous actor Keanu Reeves talked about cryptocurrency in an interview with Wired, published Tuesday. The Matrix and John Wick star opined:

I think the principle, the ideas behind an independent currency are amazing. These are amazing tools for exchanges and distribution of resources.

“So, to pooh-pooh crypto, or the volatility of cryptocurrency, it’s only going to make it better in terms of how it’s safeguarded,” he added without providing further details.

The Hollywood star previously revealed that he owned cryptocurrency. “A friend of mine bought some for me a while back,” he said in December 2021, adding that he had not done anything with it.

Reeves, NFT-ji, and the Metaverse

Reeves also explained how he became an adviser to the Futureverse Foundation, a charitable organization launched in June last year by Non-Fungible Labs, a New Zealand-based non-fungible token (NFT) and blockchain technology company. Besides supporting underrepresented artists, the foundation explained that it “seeks to help keep the metaverse widely accessible, healthy, and evolving.”

Reeves shared: “It’s something my partner, Alexandra Grant, is really interested in, so I’m kind of riding her coattails. I helped set up the launch.” Both Reeves and Grant are advisers to the Futureverse Foundation. Reeves described:

We’re trying to take this technology that people are interested in and give opportunities to artists with different viewpoints.

Commenting on Meta Platforms, formerly Facebook, making the metaverse a priority, Reeves said: “It’s like they’ve created more land. There’s more land for sale. It’s wealth creation and it’s opportunity.”

The Matrix star previously expressed his skepticism about NFTs, stating that they are “easily produced.” He was also skeptical of Facebook’s metaverse. “Can we just not have metaverse like be invented by Facebook? The concept of metaverse is like way older than that,” on rekel in December 2021.

Oznake v tej zgodbi

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Kevin Helms

Študent avstrijske ekonomije, Kevin je našel bitcoin 2011 in je od takrat evangelist. Njegovi interesi so varnost Bitcoinov, odprtokodnih sistemov, mrežni učinki in presečišče med ekonomijo in kriptografijo.

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