Datoteke Ford 19 Prijave blagovnih znamk, ki se pripravljajo na morebiten pritisk na Metaverse

Leading automotive company Ford has filed 19 trademark applications related to possible metaverse activities. In the documents, the company hints at the potential launch of Ford-branded NFTs (nezamenljivi žetoni) on its own marketplace, and also refers to the offering of virtual

Založnik blokovnih iger in podjetje Web3 Animoca Brands Secures $110 milijon

Založnik blokovnih iger Animoca Brands je objavil, da je podjetje zbralo $110 milijonov v krogu financiranja, ki ga vodi Temasek, Boyu Capital, in GGV Capital. Podjetje je sredstva zbralo z izdajo zamenljivih obveznic peščici institucionalnih vlagateljev. Blagovne znamke Animoca…

Skok prodaje NFT tega tedna 26% Višje kot prejšnji teden, Dolgočasena opica #6,588 Prodano za 1,17 milijona dolarjev

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) prodaja poskočila 26.76% višji ta teden, saj statistika prodaje NFT to kaže $180.43 milijon poslov NFT je bilo zabeleženih ta teden v primerjavi s prejšnjim tednom’s $142.33 milijonov. Medtem ko so NFT, ki temeljijo na Ethereumu, ujeli leva’delež obsega ta teden…

Rešitev za skaliranje L2 Arbitrum uvaja migracijo skupnega sklada Nitro

The layer two (L2) scaling solution Arbitrum revealed on Wednesday that the team has implemented the projects Nitro rollup stack migration. Earlier this month, Arbitrum developers noted that the Nitro migration would reduce network fees and improve throughput. Arbitrum Developers Implement

Veve sodeluje z Marvelom, da izda omejeno izdajo naslovnic NFT s Spider-Manom, Črni panter

On August 29, the digital collectibles company Veve announced that the platform has launched digital variant non-fungible token (NFT) covers from three Marvel comic book artists. Veve and Marvel detailed that the NFT drops called the Marvel Artworks collection will be

Generalni direktor Telegrama Pavel Durov namiguje na integracijo Web3

Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, has hinted at a series of Web3 enhancements coming to the popular messaging platform. Durov talked about the benefits that tradable usernames and channel links might have in the future, creating a marketplace where users could

Fractional NFT Markets Slide 76% v Vrednost v 7 meseci, Diced-up Doge NFT še vedno vodi skupino

When non-fungible token (NFT) collectibles became popular, the fractionalized NFT market grew past the $200 million range seven months ago in December 2021. Od takrat, the fractionalized NFT market has lost more than 76% in value, dropping to an overall market

Crypto Downturn Floods Market With Rolex and Patek Watches, Trading Platform Says

The latest troubles in the crypto space have allegedly led to an increased supply of second-hand luxury watches, according to a leading trading platform. Kot rezultat, prices of sought-after models by major brands like Rolex and Patek have dropped, the…

Funko Partners With Entertainment Giant Paramount to Drop Avatar Legends NFTs

On July 29, the pop-culture consumer products firm, Funko, announced that the company has partnered with the multinational mass media and entertainment corporation Paramount Global. The two corporations plan to introduce a series of non-fungible tokens (NFT-ji) based on the Avatar