Moonpay in Looksrare partnerja, ki bosta prinesla priročno nakupovanje NFT množicam

V četrtek, the fiat-to-crypto onramp business Moonpay announced a multi-year partnership with the non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace Looksrare. According to the deal, Looksrare will allow marketplace users to buy and sell crypto assets through Moonpay’s services.


Moonpay and Looksrare Join Forces to Streamline NFT Transactions

Moonpay, the fiat-to-crypto service founded in 2019, revealed that it has entered into a partnership with the NFT market, Looksrare. Launched in August 2022, Looksrare was one of the first NFT marketplaces to actively reward traders with its own token, LOOKS. According to statistics on February 9, 2023, since its inception, the NFT market Looksrare has recorded $1.7 milijarde in sales.

According to an announcement sent to News, Moonpay is introducing an NFT checkout integration with Looksrare that allows anyone to buy NFTs with a credit card. “Checkout will be available for all primary and secondary sales on Looksrare,” according to the Moonpay announcement. “With the NFT checkout integration, Looksrare users will be able to easily purchase an NFT using a debit or credit card, eliminating the need to acquire cryptocurrency first.”

“We’re excited to become an exclusive partner to Looksrare and offer their users more opportunities to buy and sell their cryptocurrency,” Oliver Jeffcott, the senior business development manager at Moonpay said in a statement on Thursday. “From day one, we’ve wanted Moonpay to be a platform that increases access and usability for the Web3 community and this partnership is another step in driving that vision,” Jeffcott added.

NFTs have experienced a resurgence in 2023 and over the past 30 dnevi, $1.067 billion in sales have been recorded among 342,452 NFT buyers. Looksrare, in terms of all-time sales, is just below Odprto morje, but it has faced increased competition since the launch of X2Y2 and Blur. Blur has recorded $1.19 billion in all-time NFT sales to date, and X2Y2 has seen $1.11 billion in sales since its inception.

Oznake v tej zgodbi
ACCESS, All-time sales, Blur, kupiti, Buyers, competition, Kreditna kartica, kripto sredstva,, debit, Exclusive, Fiat to crypto, LOOKS token, izgleda redko, Marketplace, Moonpay, Moonpay Looksrare, nft, NFT checkout integration, Prodaja NFT, NFT-ji, Nezamenljivi žeton, Odprto morje, partnerstvo, platforma, Resurgence, reward traders, prodaja, Prodajni NFT-ji, prodati, senior business development manager, Statistika, usability, vision, Web3 community, X2Y2

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Jamie Redman

Jamie Redman je vodja novic pri News in finančni novinar, ki živi na Floridi. Redman je od takrat aktiven član skupnosti kriptovalut 2011. Ima strast do bitcoinov, odprtokodna koda, in decentralizirane aplikacije. Od septembra 2015, Redman je napisal več kot 6,000 članki za Novice o motečih protokolih, ki se pojavljajo danes.

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