Prepoved dokazovanja o delu odstranjena iz evropske predlagane uredbe o kriptovalutah

A text threatening to prohibit cryptocurrencies relying on energy-intensive proof-of-work mining has been deleted from the draft legislation aimed at regulating the European crypto space. The move comes after the controversial provision sparked objections from the crypto community. MiCA Proposal Drops

Inflacija v ZDA bi lahko bila slabša od pričakovane, Goldman Sachs pravi — predsednik Fed Atlante je naklonjen 25 Dvig obrestne mere BPS

While the conflict in Ukraine is a hot topic, fears of rising inflation continue to haunt Americans residing in the country, as economists and analysts note U.S. inflation will likely remain high. Inflation is likely going to be worse than initially

De-Mixing Wasabi Coinjoin Transactions: A Deep Dive Into Chainalysis’ Deanonymizing Claims

V torek, journalist Laura Shin published a story that claims to identify the 2016 Genesis DAO hacker who siphoned 3.6 million ethereum from the decentralized autonomous organization. While the story surprised the crypto community, one of the biggest eye-openers was the

Kazahstan ukrepa proti nezakonitemu rudarjenju, Doprsni kipi 13 Kripto kmetije

Authorities in Kazakhstan have gone after illegal crypto mining operations amid ongoing issues with electricity supply. Working together with law enforcement, država’s energy ministry announced the closure of over a dozen facilities minting digital currencies. Government Shuts Down Unauthorized Crypto

Russia’s Finance Ministry Submits Bill to Legalize Crypto Investments, Ban Payments

Russian Ministry of Finance has prepared and submitted a new bill to expand crypto regulations to the government. The law “O digitalni valuti” aims to introduce rules for investment in cryptocurrencies while at the same time cementing a ban on their

Poročilo: Kitajski carinski organ zapleni 49 Stari ASIC Antminerji

Chinese authorities continue to crackdown against bitcoin miners after they seized 49 second-hand Bitmain ASIC Antminers from unnamed individuals that recently attempted to smuggle in the devices using falsified documents. Devices to Be Disposed of in Accordance With Regulations Huangpu Customs

Newyorški sodnik naloži podjetju Terraform Labs, da upošteva preiskovalne sodne pozive SEC

A recent court filing stemming from the Southern District of New York shows that a U.S. district judge has ordered the crypto startup Terraform Labs to comply with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) subpoenas. During the second week of November

Russia Adopts Law Allowing State to Seize Illegal Funds, Digital Assets From Officials

The State Duma of Russia, the lower house of parliament, has passed a law permitting law enforcement authorities to seek confiscation of illegally obtained funds from government officials, including cryptocurrency. The state may attempt to seize the assets through court if

Bank of Russia Reports First Successful Digital Ruble Transfers Between Users

Testing of the digital ruble has started in Russia with the countrys central bank announcing the first complete transactions between individual wallets. The monetary authority, a staunch opponent of cryptocurrencies, says its digital currency will create new opportunities for citizens, podjetja,…