Vrednost je zaklenjena v lističih Defi 10% v 4 Dnevi, Ethereum TVL Dominates at 58%

Pred štirimi dnevi, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) was coasting along at $255.84 billion and since then, the TVL has dropped ​​8.55% in value. Med zadnjim 24 ure, the TVL has slid 2.80%, and Curves $23

Avalanche Dodajanje Fiat plačil prek Alchemy Pay (ACH) Integracija

SPOROČILO ZA JAVNOST. Avalanche has announced the integration of flexible fiat payment on-ramps on their network, thanks to a new integration with Alchemy Pay. Alchemy Pay is a payment solution that bridges fiat and crypto economies and it will now offer support

Vrednost, zaklenjena v Defi, še naprej drsi, ETH Defi prevladuje z 65%, Solana Transactions Reign

Skupna vrednost je zaklenjena (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah zdrsnila 15.63% saj metrika’je najvišja vrednost vseh časov $275 milijarde pred šestnajstimi dnevi, decembra 1. Od konca prvega tedna decembra, TVL je padel 7.19% nižje z…

USDC Sees Native Launch on Avalanche

USDC, the second leading stablecoin by market cap, has been launched on the Avalanche blockchain as a native token. Previously, users wanting to get USDC in Avalanche had to bridge it via Ethereum. zdaj, Circle, the issuer of usd coin (USDC),…

Kriptogospodarstvo lebdi pod 3 bilijoni dolarjev: Analitik pravi, da bi bil prvi medvedji marker 'padec kapitalizacije pod 2,38 tisoč dolarjev'

The crypto asset economy has been down in value over the last week as a great number of digital currencies shed significant amounts. The entire crypto-economy is down under the $3 bilijon znamk, hovering around $2.7 trillion across 10,970 kriptovalute. Bitcoin…

Topps Drops MLB World Series NFT Collection — Udeleženci Championship Game lahko dobijo NFT-je, specifične za vsako igro

The popular candies and collectibles company Topps has announced the launch of its 2021 Topps NOW MLB World Series non-fungible token (NFT) collection, following the firms second series 2021 Topps Baseball NFT collection. Similar to the companys past NFT drops, Topps

Skupna vrednost, zaklenjena v medverižnih mostovih Defi, presega $22 milijarde, Skakanje 48% v 30 Dnevi

On October 29, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) protocols is around $243 billion with Curve capturing 7.76% of the dominance. medtem, as ethereum has the largest dominance of TVL in defi, a number of alternative blockchains are

Fantom zažene tržnico NFT Artion – cilj platforme je "razbremeniti ustvarjalce visokih honorarjev"

septembra 24, 2021, the Fantom Foundation announced the launch of a new non-fungible token (NFT) marketplace that aims to compete with the myriad of NFT markets out there today. The market dubbed Artion is an NFT marketplace built on the

Avalanche Defi Platform Vee Finance Attacked — $35 Million in ETH, BTC Siphoned

septembra 21, 2021, an Avalanche-based decentralized finance (defi) platform Vee Finance announced that it suffered from an incident that siphoned 8,804 ether and 213 bitcoin out of the system. The team has suspended the defi platform contracts and stressed that

Cross-Chain Bridges That Connect 5 Different Blockchains to Ethereum

During the last few months, cross-chain bridge technology has grown a great deal and users can now swap assets between a myriad of networks. Danes, between eight different bridges there’s $7.6 billion total-value locked across these platforms. Cross-Chain Bridges