Arbitrum-Based Vest Exchange Emerges, Aims to Democratize Perpetual Futures

A new decentralized exchange (dex) on Arbitrum, called Vest Exchange, was announced this past weekend, and the team that created the project said the platform aims to focus on democratizing perpetual futures. The team behind Vest further detailed that the new

Combined Transactions on Arbitrum and Optimism L2 Chains Outpace Ethereum’s Daily Transfer Count

Since The Merge, Ethereum’s onchain fees have been considerably lower. Vendar, combined transaction volume on layer two (L2) chains Arbitrum and Optimism has outpaced Ethereums onchain transaction output. V soboto, Jan. 14, 2023, Ethereum processed 1.10 million onchain transactions, while combined

Prodaja NFT ta teden je poskočila 27% višje, Cryptopunks Rise Above Bored Apes

dne dec. 14, 2022, statistika kaže, da nezamenljivi žeton (NFT) prodaja poskočila 27.72% višja od prodaje NFT, zabeležene prejšnji teden. Jahtni klub Bored Ape (BAYC) Zbirka NFT je zajela največ prodaje ta teden, vendar v sredo popoldne, tlorisna vrednost…

Hacker Steals $6.9 Million From Arbitrum-Based Defi Protocol Lodestar Finance

Arbitrum-based lending platform Lodestar Finance was exploited on Dec. 10, 2022, according to a tweet from the project’s Twitter account on Saturday. Community reports detail that Lodestar lost roughly $6.9 million from the vulnerability. Lodestar Finance Loses $6.9 Million in an

Zdrs prodaje NFT tega tedna 5% Nižje kot prejšnji teden, Obračunana prodaja Ethereum NFT 76.8% zvezka

V ponedeljek, dec. 5, 2022, tržni podatki kažejo, da nezamenljivi žeton (NFT) prodaja padla 5.23% nižja od prodaje prejšnji teden kljub a 15.16% povečanje kupcev NFT. Izven $112.70 milijonov v obsegu prodaje NFT v zadnjem tednu, Temelji na Ethereumu…

Prodaja NFT je poskočila 22% Višje ta mesec z $568 Milijoni prodanih NFT-jev 20 Blockchains

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) prodaja se je v zadnjem mesecu izboljšala, saj 30-dnevna statistika kaže, da prodaja NFT raste 22.37% višji kot prejšnji mesec. V zadnjih sedmih dneh, Prodaja NFT raste 5.13% višje kot prejšnji teden. Dodatno,…

Zksync Devs Plan to Launch Layer 3 Scaling Solution Called ‘Opportunity’ in Q1 2023

Matter Labs, the team behind the Ethereum layer two (L2) scaling protocol Zksync, revealed the developers plan to launch a layer three (L3) proof of concept calledOpportunityin the first quarter of 2023. The team says that the prototype of

Skok prodaje NFT tega tedna 26% Višje kot prejšnji teden, Dolgočasena opica #6,588 Prodano za 1,17 milijona dolarjev

Nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) prodaja poskočila 26.76% višji ta teden, saj statistika prodaje NFT to kaže $180.43 milijon poslov NFT je bilo zabeleženih ta teden v primerjavi s prejšnjim tednom’s $142.33 milijonov. Medtem ko so NFT, ki temeljijo na Ethereumu, ujeli leva’delež obsega ta teden…

Rešitev za skaliranje L2 Arbitrum uvaja migracijo skupnega sklada Nitro

The layer two (L2) scaling solution Arbitrum revealed on Wednesday that the team has implemented the projects Nitro rollup stack migration. Earlier this month, Arbitrum developers noted that the Nitro migration would reduce network fees and improve throughput. Arbitrum Developers Implement

Vrednost zaklenjena v Defi Swells by $7 milijarde, Tronove TVL konice 34.85%, Ethereum prevladuje z 62%

After tapping a 2022 low of $70 billion on June 19, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) has increased by more than $7 milijarde. V zadnjih sedmih dneh, the TVL in defi held within the Ethereum blockchain