World Bank Predicts 3% Gold Price Growth, Expert Says a $3K per Ounce ‘Is More Likely Than Not’

The World Bank has said it expects the price of gold to rise by 3% v 2022 but warned the price might fall sharply if the Russian central bank decides to offload large quantities of the commodity. The Russian Factor After

Singapore’s Central Bank: We Want to Be a Responsible Global Crypto Hub

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), država’s central bank and the regulator of the crypto sector, says that its licensing process for digital asset service providers needs to be stringent. “It needs to be because we want to be a

Srednjeafriška republika je sprejela bitcoin kot referenčno valuto – urad predsedstva

Po zmedi, ki je obkrožala prva poročila, višji uslužbenec v Srednjeafriški republiki (AVTOMOBIL)’Predsedstvo je zdaj potrdilo, da bo bitcoin postal država’referenčna valuta. First Country in Africa to Officially Adopt Bitcoin A press statement supposedly issued

Nepal zapira kripto spletne strani, Aplikacije — opozarja na vključevanje v kripto dejavnosti

The Nepal Telecommunications Authority has issued a warning that crypto activities are illegal. The regulator emphasized that websites, apps, and online networks related to crypto activities are prohibited to be used, operated, or managed within the country. Nepalese Regulators Crypto Warning

Bank of Spain Report Warns About Cryptocurrency Usage and Its Effect on Financial Stability

The Bank of Spain has issued a new report that touches on the subject of the popularity of cryptocurrency usage and the possible effects it might have on the financial stability of the nation. In the document, the bank explains that

Poročilo: Južnoafriška univerza bo diplomantom izdajala certifikate, ki temeljijo na blockchainu

Južnoafriška univerza je sporočila, da bo od tega leta študentom, ki bodo diplomirali na izobraževalni ustanovi, izdajala certifikate, ki temeljijo na blockchainu.. Univerzitetni administratorji so trdili, da bo certifikacijski sistem, ki temelji na verigi blokov, pomagal preprečiti goljufije in ustaviti proizvodnjo ponarejenih dokumentov. QR

Tron’s Justin Sun Reveals Decentralized Algorithmic Stablecoin USDD

aprila 21, Justin Sun, the founder of Tron, announced the launch of a decentralized algorithmic stablecoin called USDD. Sun said on Thursday that the USDD Network willprovide custody service for the $10 [milijarde] worth of highly liquid assets raised

Digitalni rubelj je zelo potreben,« pravi ruska centralna banka, Ne bo odložil testiranja

Centralna banka Rusije je poudarila pomen napredka pri projektu digitalnega rublja. Po izjavi najvišjega predstavnika, the monetary authority has no intention to delay the trials despite not all invited banks being

Regulativni del finančnega centra ZAE je izdal dokument za razpravo o Defi

Regulatorna veja ZAE’finančno središče, Globalni trg v Abu Dhabiju (ADGM), je izdal dokument za razpravo, ki išče deležnike’ pripombe glede ureditve decentraliziranih financ (defi). Papir tudi pojasnjuje regulator’s stance regarding the anonymity of

Ghana Central Bank Reiterates Warning Against Practice of Pricing Goods in Forex

The Bank of Ghana has warned businesses and the public against the practice of demanding or making payments in foreign currency without its authorization. The central banks warning comes just over a month after Ghanas currency was rated the worst performing