Digitalno zlato, s katerim za digitalne rublje trguje ruska Rosbank

Rosbank has brokered Russia’s first deal involving the exchange of tokenized gold with the digital version of the Russian national fiat currency, the ruble. The successful transaction demonstrates the growing interest in digital financial assets and the need for digital ruble

Velikan prenosa datotek Wetransfer se pridružuje industriji NFT, Partnerji s platformo Blockchain Minima za marčevsko lansiranje izdelka za kovanje

Velikan storitev prenosa datotek Wetransfer je v ponedeljek objavil, da sodeluje s platformo blockchain Minima, da bi ponudil nezamenljiv žeton (NFT) izdelek kovanja marca. Wetransferjeva objava podrobno opisuje, da bodo uporabniki, ki bodo izkoristili sodelovanje Minima, lahko kovali NFT-je iz…

Razprave o pomenu in posledicah ordinalnih vpisov na verigo blokov bitcoinov se zaostrujejo

V zadnjih dveh tednih, members of the cryptocurrency community have discussed the non-fungible token (NFT) concept known as Ordinals. Since the 3.96 MB block (#774,628) je bil miniran, there has been a significant increase in Ordinal inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain….

Artificial Intelligence and Cryptocurrency: The Rise of AI-Focused Projects in 2023

Trends show that artificial intelligence (AI) will be a major topic in 2023, as data indicates a surge in interest. Since interest peaked and Microsoft invested billions into Chatgpt, demand for AI-focused cryptocurrency projects has risen dramatically. Na primer, the crypto

Hashrate Litecoina dosegel najvišjo vrednost vseh časov, Težava sledi zgledu

Omrežje blockchain Litecoin’njegova računalniška moč je dosegla najvišjo vrednost vseh časov (ATH) v sredo, Jan. 25, 2023, v višini bloka 2,411,048, doseganje 798.43 terahash na sekundo (TH/s). Poleg tega, Litecoin’tudi težavnost je ta teden dosegla najvišjo vrednost vseh časov, udarjanje 23,505,031 naslednji…

FTX in Alameda Research Collapse. Žalosten dogodek, a "dolgoročno dobro", pravi upravni partner DWF Labs

Medtem ko naj bi propad kripto borze FTX in njene podružnice Alameda Research zapustil številne kripto igralce, vključno z ustvarjalci trga, v najslabšem možnem položaju, po Andreju Gračevu, poslovodni partner pri DWF Labs, this incident may

Axie Infinity’s Monthly Player Count Drops to Low Not Seen Since November 2020

After recording $4.26 billion in total non-fungible token (NFT) prodaja, the play-to-earn game Axie Infinity’s monthly player count has dropped to levels not seen since November 2020, a period of 26 mesecih. Despite the low player count, the project’s native token,…

Hashkey Capital Raises $500 Million for Its Third Fund, Despite Crypto Market Downturn

V torek, global asset manager Hashkey, which focuses on crypto and blockchain investments, announced that it has closed its third fund at $500 milijonov. The company’sHashKey Fintech Investment IIIis dedicated to developing crypto solutions, blockchain tehnologija, and Web3 concepts….

Onchain Researchers Discover $63M in Ethereum From Harmony Bridge Attack Moved, Hackers Attempt to Launder Funds on Major Exchanges

On Jan. 15, 2023, onchain researchers discovered that funds stolen during the Harmony bridge attack had been moved. The suspected thieves, who are allegedly associated with the North Korean hacking syndicate Lazarus Group, moved 41,000 ethereum, vredno $63.2 million at current

Combined Transactions on Arbitrum and Optimism L2 Chains Outpace Ethereum’s Daily Transfer Count

Since The Merge, Ethereum’s onchain fees have been considerably lower. Vendar, combined transaction volume on layer two (L2) chains Arbitrum and Optimism has outpaced Ethereums onchain transaction output. V soboto, Jan. 14, 2023, Ethereum processed 1.10 million onchain transactions, while combined