FTX in Alameda Research Collapse. Žalosten dogodek, a "dolgoročno dobro", pravi upravni partner DWF Labs

Medtem ko naj bi propad kripto borze FTX in njene podružnice Alameda Research zapustil številne kripto igralce, vključno z ustvarjalci trga, v najslabšem možnem položaju, po Andreju Gračevu, poslovodni partner pri DWF Labs, this incident may

NY Attorney General Urges Congress to Ban Crypto in Retirement Accounts

New York Attorney General Letitia James has urged Congress to pass a law prohibiting crypto investments in retirement accounts. “Hardworking Americans should not have to worry about their retirement savings being wiped out due to risky bets on unstable assets like

Nigerian Central Bank Says It Will Release New Banknotes in December — Naira Falls to New Low

Starting December 15, Nigerians will be using newly-designed 100, 200, 500 and 1,000-naira banknotes, the governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has said. The announcement has since resulted in the naira’s parallel market exchange rate versus the U.S. dolar…

Operacije rudarjenja bitcoinov se sredi kripto zime še naprej širijo, Med pretvarjanjem 'izrabljenega plina v energijo v velikem obsegu'

The bitcoin mining industry continues to expand as companies are obtaining more megawatts of capacity, building new facilities, and acquiring thousands of application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) rudarske naprave. V petek, the firm Validus Power revealed it has acquired two natural gas

Value Locked in Defi Stalls Before Reaching the $100 Billion Mark, Cross-Chain Bridge Statistics Crater

During the last few weeks, the total value locked (TVL) v decentraliziranih financah (defi) has come awfully close to reaching the $100 billion mark again, but it fell short this week. Danes, the value locked across the defi ecosystem is $86.22

Billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach Says He Wouldn’t Be Surprised at All if Bitcoin Falls to $10K

Doubleline Capital CEO Jeffrey Gundlach, also known as thebond king,” says he would not be surprised at all if the price of bitcoin falls to $10K. “mi’ve already seen around the edges some blowups in parts of the crypto world,…

Ameriški ekonomisti so zmedeni zaradi "nenavadne situacije", saj je ruski rubelj najbolj uspešna fiat valuta na svetu

Two months after the Russian ruble fell below a U.S. penny, the transcontinental countrys fiat currency is the best performing currency worldwide. American economists are baffled by theunusual situationbecause a country facing stiff sanctions typically sees its fiat currency

Kripto trgi so čez noč izgubili milijarde – analitik pravi, da je "normalen padec" in "struktura bikovskega trga še vedno nedotaknjena"

Cryptocurrency markets have dropped significantly in value during the last 24 hours as the entire market capitalization of all 10,000 crypto assets in existence has dropped below the $3 trillion mark to $2.77 trillion on Tuesday morning (EST). After tapping $66K