Binance naj bi odstranil omejitve za ruske uporabnike

Svet’največja kripto borza, Binance, je odpravil nekatere omejitve za ruske uporabnike, razkriti lokalni kripto mediji. Glede na več poročil, Russians can once again use their bank cards to make deposits and the trading platform has canceled a limit on

Vladimir Putin Says Russia Wrote Off African Countries’ Debts Totaling Over $20 Billion in 2022

African countriesdebts totaling more than $20 billion were written off in the past year, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on March 20. Putin also revealed that trade between Russia and Africa had nearly reached $18 billion by the end of

Binance Rusom prepoveduje P2P transakcije z dolarji in evri

Cryptocurrency exchange Binance has introduced new restrictions for Russian users, in accordance with the latest European sanctions. The platform is restricting access to peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions in U.S. dollars and euros for traders based in the Russian Federation. Binance Prohibits US

Rusko sodišče pošilja 3 Kripto roparji v zapor strogega režima

Three Russians are going to spend time in high-security prison for stealing over a million U.S. dollars’ worth of cryptocurrency from another man. Poleg tega, the court has also ordered them to fully compensate the victim for the damages, prosecutors announced….

Kripto izmenjave omogočajo Rusom, da se izognejo sankcijam, Poročilo trdi

Večje kripto borze niso preprečile sankcioniranim ruskim bankam in trgovcem transakcije, glede na poročilo forenzike blockchain. Vsaj dve uveljavljeni platformi za trgovanje s kovanci Rusom še naprej dovoljujeta uporabo svojih bančnih kartic v poslih enakovrednih, the analysis

Digitalno zlato, s katerim za digitalne rublje trguje ruska Rosbank

Rosbank has brokered Russia’s first deal involving the exchange of tokenized gold with the digital version of the Russian national fiat currency, the ruble. The successful transaction demonstrates the growing interest in digital financial assets and the need for digital ruble

Russian Billionaire and Crypto Businessman Dies in Helicopter Crash in France

Russian financier and cryptocurrency entrepreneur Vyacheslav Taran has been killed in a helicopter crash on French territory. The accident marks the latest in a series of deaths of crypto executives and adds another name to a list of Russian billionaires who

Russian IT Firms Lobby for Crypto Payments in Software Exports

Companies developing software solutions for foreign customers are urging Russian authorities to allow them to accept crypto payments. The proposal is part of a package of measures aimed at supporting IT exports suggested by an industry organization to the executive power

French Lawyer Asks Russian Patriarch to Help Save Alexander Vinnik From ‘Political Trial’ in US

A member of the defense team of the alleged BTC-e operator Alexander Vinnik has called on the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to intervene in support of his client. The Russian national may be sentenced to over 50 years in