Terra Collapse še naprej pesti Defi – vrednost, zaklenjena v mostovih med verigami, pada 20% Ta mesec

Following the aftermath of the Terra blockchain fiasco, decentralizirane finance (defi) continues to feel the impact of the projects fallout. During the last four days the total value locked (TVL) in defi has dropped 2.61% in value, and cross-chain bridges have

Cross-Chain Bridges That Connect 5 Different Blockchains to Ethereum

During the last few months, cross-chain bridge technology has grown a great deal and users can now swap assets between a myriad of networks. Danes, between eight different bridges there’s $7.6 billion total-value locked across these platforms. Cross-Chain Bridges

Študija kaže rast tehnologije medverižnega mostu, Bridges to Ethereum Exceed $7 milijarde

septembra 8, 2021, Dmitriy Berenzon, research partner at 1kxnetwork, an early-stage crypto fund that helps founders bootstrap token networks, published a comprehensive research post concerning blockchain bridges. Berenzons study highlights the currentmulti-chain market structureand bridges that are making