Presque 70,000 Émission d'une carte crypto Binance Refugee pour les Ukrainiens

Des milliers d'Ukrainiens ont commandé une carte crypto émise par le monde’s leader de l'échange d'actifs numériques, Binance, pour ses utilisateurs du pays déchiré par la guerre. The card allows people displaced by the ongoing conflict with Russia to make payments and receive financial

La Colombie fait les premiers pas vers la réglementation des échanges de crypto-monnaie

The Congress of Colombia has approved a bill that regulates the behavior of cryptocurrency exchanges in the country in its first discussion, taking the first steps to bring clarity to this issue. One of the creators of the bill, Mauricio Toro,…

Gouverneur de la Banque d'Espagne: Les marchés de la cryptographie sont «plus gros que les prêts hypothécaires à risque avant la crise des marchés financiers»

Pablo Hernandez de Cos, governor of the Bank of Spain, has again warned about cryptocurrencies and the growth that the crypto market is experiencing. Hernandes de Cos stated that, while the market is still relatively small at a worldwide level, les…

L'ancien PDG de Crypto Exchange Wex Dmitry Vasiliev aurait été détenu en Croatie

Dmitri Vassiliev, co-owner and former chief executive of the now defunct Russian crypto exchange Wex, has been arrested upon entering Croatia, local media reported. The crypto entrepreneur is wanted by Kazakhstan where he is accused of stealing money from an investor….

La Thaïlande exonère les transferts de crypto de la TVA jusqu'à la fin de 2023

Authorities in Thailand have formally introduced a value-added tax (VAT) exemption for transfers of cryptocurrencies through government-approved exchanges. The tax break, in force until the end of next year, will also apply to digital currency issued by the Bank of Thailand….

Mexican Crypto Exchange Bitso lance un programme de rendement stable

Bitso, a Mexico-based cryptocurrency exchange, is expanding its range of crypto investing options. The company has announced it will now allow customers to earn funds just by holding bitcoin or stablecoins in its wallet. The program, called Bitso+, will offer different

L'échange de crypto-monnaie espagnol Bit2me étend ses opérations au Brésil

L'échange de crypto-monnaie espagnol Bit2me s'intéresse à entrer sur le marché Latam. The company has launched its operations in Brazil by introducing an office in the country that will deal with compliance issues to make the exchange a safe

Le président de l'Ouzbékistan publie un décret réglementant les crypto-monnaies, Exploitation minière et commerce

The government of Uzbekistan has moved to expand its crypto regulations through a decree signed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The document provides definitions for terms like crypto assets, exchange, and mining, and determines the main regulatory body for the industry. Agency

La Banque de Russie cherche à autoriser les bourses à négocier des actifs numériques

La Banque centrale de Russie a récemment proposé d'autoriser les bourses traditionnelles à opérer sur le marché des actifs numériques. Les observateurs de l'industrie disent que le régulateur vise à fournir aux investisseurs une option pour échanger des crypto-monnaies dans un environnement contrôlé. Russian Stock Exchanges

La principale bourse d'Europe de l'Est Exmo vend ses activités en Russie, Biélorussie

Exmo, a U.K.-based crypto exchange with extensive presence in Eastern Europe, is pulling out of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. The trading platform,, says its making the move to avoid jeopardizing its expansion in other regions by operating in high-risk markets