Upbit des échanges cryptographiques coréens, Bithumb a perquisitionné les transactions cryptographiques du législateur

South Korean prosecutors have raided two of the country’s largest coin trading platforms within an investigation into the crypto investments of a politician. They seized materials from Upbit and Bithumb amid suspicions of wrongdoing related to the lawmaker’s cryptocurrency holdings. South

Un tribunal américain condamne un blanchisseur russe de crypto-rançons à une peine de probation et à une amende

A Russian crypto entrepreneur, charged with laundering money from ransomware attacks, has been sentenced to probation and fined in the U.S. after pleading guilty. Founder of two coin trading platforms, Denis Dubnikov, was arrested in the Netherlands and extradited to the

Les échanges cryptographiques Binance et Kuna suspendent les transactions par carte en hryvnia ukrainienne

Major cryptocurrency exchanges operating in Ukraine have temporarily suspended operations with hryvnia bank cards. The measure stems from restrictions imposed by the country’s central bank, Binance and Kuna indicated in comments for crypto media. Ukrainians Unable to Trade Crypto Assets Using

Les échanges cryptographiques permettent aux Russes de contourner les sanctions, Le rapport allègue

Les principales bourses de cryptographie n'ont pas réussi à empêcher les banques et les commerçants russes sanctionnés d'effectuer des transactions., selon un rapport médico-légal de la blockchain. Au moins deux plateformes d'échange de pièces bien établies continuent de permettre aux Russes d'utiliser leurs cartes bancaires dans le cadre d'accords peer-to-peer, the analysis

Britain Announces Plans for ‘Robust’ Crypto Rules, Launches Consultation

The U.K. has unveiled “ambitious plans” to “robustly regulate” various crypto activities, while seeking to protect customers and grow its economy. In the next three months, British authorities will accept public feedback on the new regulatory proposals designed to govern digital

Crypto Association in Turkey Vows to Block Exchanges That ‘Victimize Traders’

A new organization has been established in Turkey with the aim to monitor and help develop the country’s crypto sector, local media reported. Its first task will be to address recent problems with some cryptocurrency exchanges and boost confidence in the

Signaler: La SEC renforce l'enquête sur les auditeurs qui entretiennent les échanges cryptographiques

According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Paul Munter, the agency’s acting chief accountant, les Etats Unis. regulator is monitoring proof-of-reserves (POR) more closely. “We’re warning investors to be very wary of some of the claims that are being made by

Les casinos cryptographiques sont "impossibles à truquer car le jeu est hébergé sur une chaîne de blocs" - Online Casino Reviewer

Selon un expert en igaming, Keane Eclestone, les crypto-casinos sont de plus en plus populaires auprès des parieurs qui apprécient leur confidentialité et leur sécurité. Alors que certains perçoivent les crypto-casinos comme étant plus risqués que les plateformes de jeu en ligne traditionnelles, Ecclestone believes bettors can play safely by choosing

Hong Kong va introduire des licences pour les plates-formes cryptographiques via la loi AML

New legislation tailored to regulate the crypto space in Hong Kong aims to implement a licensing regime for crypto service providers. The respective changes to the regions anti-money laundering (LBA) rules have been submitted to its legislature while a recently published