Les entreprises russes utilisent « activement » la cryptographie, La Russie à adopter 4 Lois pertinentes, Officiel dit

Les législateurs russes ont l'intention d'approuver prochainement quatre projets de loi visant à réglementer divers aspects des crypto-monnaies, a annoncé un membre de haut rang du parlement russe. Entre-temps, Les entreprises russes utilisent déjà des actifs numériques dans les règlements transfrontaliers, le responsable a noté. Le Parlement russe va voter…

Les avantages fiscaux pour les entreprises Bitcoin en Biélorussie sont prolongés jusqu'à 2025

Tax exemptions for companies and individuals legally working with cryptocurrencies in Belarus will remain in place until Jan. 1, 2025. A new presidential decree extends the tax cuts introduced in 2018 when the executive power in Minsk legalized crypto activities such

Bankman-Fried de FTX utiliserait les fonds d'Alameda pour payer sa défense juridique

According to two sources close to FTX, Sam Bankman Fried, the disgraced co-founder, gave his father, Stanford Law professor Joseph Bankman, millions of dollars. The funds are reportedly being used to pay for legal costs. The sources said that Bankman-Fried allegedly gave

L'industrie russe de la cryptographie interroge le gouvernement sur la responsabilité pénale proposée pour les mineurs

The organization representing Russia’s crypto sector has asked the government in Moscow to clarify a proposal to introduce criminal liability for “gray” miners. The draft legislation seeks to punish those who fail to report their income to the state and share

Romania Carries Out Raids as Part of Crypto Tax Evasion Probe

Authorities in Romania have conducted more than a dozen raids against people suspected of hiding income from cryptocurrency operations. The searches took place in late 2022 following an earlier investigation which established that crypto traders had failed to report digital assets

Le gouvernement américain retarde les règles de déclaration fiscale pour les courtiers en crypto-monnaie

The enforcement of a requirement for brokers to report gains made by crypto investors has been postponed by the U.S. Treasury Department and the IRS. The new tax rules, incorporated into the $1 trillion infrastructure bill passed by the U.S. Congrès…

Buenos Aires va taxer le minage de crypto-monnaie en 2023

The province of Buenos Aires in Argentina will begin taxing cryptocurrency mining and possibly staking, dans 2023. A new proposal modifies the tax law to introduce cryptocurrency mining as a taxable activity that will levy 4% on the income calculated via

Israël interdit les transactions en espèces pour des montants aussi bas que $1,700

New legislation introducing tighter restrictions on payments with large sums of cash will enter into force in Israel on Monday. The goal, as stated by the countrys tax authority, is to improve the fight against organized crime, blanchiment d'argent, and tax

L'Albanie va commencer à imposer les revenus liés à la cryptographie 2023

Les autorités albanaises finalisent les réglementations qui permettront l'imposition des revenus et des bénéfices des investissements en crypto-monnaie. Le gouvernement a l'intention de commencer à imposer la redevance en 2023, après avoir adopté la législation nécessaire qui a été proposée pour des consultations publiques. Albania

Le Parlement portugais rejette les propositions de taxe sur les cryptos lors du débat sur le budget

Two proposals to tax crypto assets have failed to gain support from Portuguese lawmakers who are now discussing the state budget. The bids came from minority left-wing parties, while the ruling majority is yet to put forward its own draft to