FIFA Unveils Range of New Web 3․0 Games Ahead of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE. FIFA has unveiled a portfolio of new future-focussed web 3.0 games to entertain and engage a wider group of fans ahead of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™. Gaming and esports are some of the fastest-growing opportunities for FIFA as

Indian Central Bank RBI Begins First Digital Rupee Pilot Today

India’s central bank, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), is launching its first digital rupee pilot on Nov. 1. with the participation of nine banks. “Settlement in central bank money would reduce transaction costs by pre-empting the need for settlement guarantee

An Unknown Miner Commands More Than 51% of BSV’s Hashpower, Consecutive Strings of Empty Blocks Makes Chain Unreliable

A single miner has managed to overtake a large portion of the Bitcoinsv (Bitcoin Satoshis Vision) blockchain capturing more than 80% of the hashrate on October 17. Aujourd'hui, the unknown miners hashpower commands around 54% of the Bitcoinsvs computational power and

4 Les jetons cryptographiques récoltent la puissance de hachage de la fusion, ETC sécurise la plupart des hashrate quittant l'ETH

20 il y a quelques jours, a poll was shared on Twitter asking miners where they planned to dedicate their hashrate, after The Merge transitions Ethereum into a proof-of-stake (Point de vente) blockchain. The proof-of-work (PoW) contenders at the time were tokens like ravencoin, donc, flux,…

Le plus grand pool minier Ethereum au monde va abandonner l'exploitation minière Ether PoW, Ethermine lance le compte à rebours de la fusion

Le monde’le plus grand pool de minage d'Ethereum, Ethermine, a annoncé que l'organisation prévoyait d'abandonner la preuve de travail (PoW) extraction d'ethereum entièrement. Ethermine dit que la plateforme’s miner dashboard will display a countdown and users can continue to mine ether until the countdown reaches

Picpay va offrir des services de crypto-monnaie au Brésil à plus de 60 Millions de clients

Picpay, l'une des sociétés de fintech de paiement les plus populaires au Brésil, a annoncé qu'il commencerait à inclure des services de crypto-monnaie dans son application. The company explained that these services will include the possibility of purchasing crypto and processing payments with crypto

Cherchez-vous un Launchpad différent? TAFLaunch arrive bientôt

COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE. Launchpads have gained immense popularity among crypto-enthusiasts in the DeFi space. They give crypto strategists access to early rounds of IDO’s and ICO’s, enabling people to invest in the promising projects and help them see the world. The community

Un nouveau réseau Terra arrive avec le soutien des principaux échanges, Détenteurs de LUNA et UST éligibles pour les jetons Airdropped

Selon une annonce récente de l'équipe Terra blockchain, la communauté a voté et adopté une proposition qui prévoit de lancer une nouvelle version genesis de la blockchain Terra sans stablecoin algorithmique. La proposition de gouvernance appelée “Terra Ecosystem Revival Plan

Le gouverneur de Floride, Ron DeSantis, déclare que l'État « trouve des moyens » pour permettre aux entreprises de payer des impôts en Bitcoin

Florida governor, Ron DeSantis explained at a press conference on Tuesday that hes spoken with state agencies and told them to figure out ways for businesses to pay tax with cryptocurrencies. During the signing ceremony for a bill focused on financial