Le gouverneur de Floride, Ron DeSantis, déclare que l'État « trouve des moyens » pour permettre aux entreprises de payer des impôts en Bitcoin

Florida governor, Ron DeSantis explained at a press conference on Tuesday that hes spoken with state agencies and told them to figure out ways for businesses to pay tax with cryptocurrencies. During the signing ceremony for a bill focused on financial

Les joueurs de stratégie et d'espace obtiennent leur propre métaverse Play-to-Earn plein de NFT sympas - DEEPSPACE: Les joueurs de stratégie et d'espace obtiennent leur propre métaverse Play-to-Earn plein de NFT sympas - DEEPSPACE

NOUS. Senator Cory Booker sees cryptocurrency asan exciting innovation with the potential to bring growth to the American economy if properly nurtured and regulated.The senator from New Jersey is encouraged by President Joe Bidens executive order on crypto regulation….

Le gouverneur de NH signe un décret pour apporter la "certitude réglementaire" à l'industrie de la crypto-monnaie

The governor of the U.S. state of New Hampshire has signed an executive order establishing a commission on cryptocurrencies and digital assets. “Federal and state governments must work to bring legal and regulatory certainty to the digital asset industry because clear