An Unknown Miner Commands More Than 51% of BSV’s Hashpower, Consecutive Strings of Empty Blocks Makes Chain Unreliable

A single miner has managed to overtake a large portion of the Bitcoinsv (Bitcoin Satoshis Vision) blockchain capturing more than 80% of the hashrate on October 17. Aujourd'hui, the unknown miners hashpower commands around 54% of the Bitcoinsvs computational power and

Le réseau Beacon d'Ethereum propose une réorganisation de la chaîne en 7 blocs

En mai 25, seven blocks were reorganized on Ethereums Beacon chain at 8:55:23 un m. (UTC) at block height 3,887,075 all the way to block 3,887,081. The reorganization was discovered by Martin Köppelmann who noted thecurrent attestation strategy of nodes should