Krüptokasiinosid on võimatu seadistada, kuna mäng on plokiahelas - Online-kasiino arvustaja

According to an igaming expert, Keane Ecclestone, crypto casinos are increasingly popular with bettors that value their privacy and security. While some perceive crypto casinos to be riskier than traditional online gambling platforms, Ecclestone believes bettors can play safely by choosing

Credit Cards Should Not Be Used for Crypto Transactions, Taiwan’s Financial Watchdog Says

The financial regulator of Taiwan has asked local banks not to allow the use of cards for payments in transactions involving cryptocurrencies, teatas kohalik meedia. The authority says these assets are risky while associated cash flows are hard to monitor. Taiwanese

Kanada Panga ametnik: Krüpto vajab reguleerimist, enne kui see muutub palju suuremaks

Bank of Canadas senior deputy governor says the central bank does not want to wait until cryptogets a lot largerbefore it brings regulatory controls in place. “This is an area that is still small, but its growing really rapidly,”…

Hispaania Panga president: Krüptoturud on "suuremad kui kõrge riskitasemega hüpoteegid enne finantsturu kriisi"

Pablo Hernandez de Cos, Hispaania Panga president, on taas hoiatanud krüptovaluutade ja krüptoturul toimuva kasvu eest. Hernandes de Cos väitis seda, samas kui turg on ülemaailmsel tasandil endiselt suhteliselt väike, a…

Get Real, Lagarde — The Underlying Asset ‘Guaranteeing’ Your Euro Scam Coin Is a Gun

With the approaching tsunami of central bank digital currencies (CBDC-d) looming ever closer, it shouldnt come as a surprise when central banks shill their coins at the expense of sounder assets. Hiljuti, European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde went so far

Venemaa Pank soovib lubada börsidel digitaalsete varadega kaubelda

Venemaa keskpank tegi hiljuti ettepaneku anda traditsioonilistele börsidele luba digitaalsete varade turul tegutsemiseks. Tööstuse jälgijad ütlevad, et regulaatori eesmärk on anda investoritele võimalus kaubelda krüptovaluutadega kontrollitud keskkonnas. Venemaa börsid…

Hispaania Pank hoiatab reguleerimata krüptovaluutade laialdase kasutamise ohu eest riigis

The deputy governor of the Bank of Spain, Margarita Delgado, gave her opinion about cryptocurrencies and how they are increasing the risks in todays economy. At an event hosted by PWC calledA climate of change,” Delgado explained that the continued

Ghana CBDC areng: Uues keskpanga dokumendis tuuakse välja digitaalvaluuta emiteerimise peamised motiivid

In a recently released document, the Bank of Ghana (BOG) outlines some of its key reasons for developing the central bank digital currency (CBDC). Samuti, in the document, the banks governor insists the institution is open to suggestions that will help

Cornell Professor: Crypto Industry Could Benefit From Biden’s Executive Order, Regulations Provide Legitimacy

A Cornell University economics professor says that President Joe Bidens executive order on the regulation of cryptocurrency could benefit the industry. “Ultimately what these sorts of regulations provide to the industry is legitimacy,” said the professor. Cornell Professor on Crypto Industry

India Unveils Guidelines for Crypto Advertising

The Advertising Standards Council of India has released guidelines for the advertising and promotion of crypto assets and related services. “We had several rounds of discussion with the government, finance sector regulators, and industry stakeholders before framing these guidelines.” India’s Crypto